You're Being Fed


Stop Trusting Health Organizations.
Start Thriving With the Proper Human Diet.

(Hint : it’s not a vegan diet.)


Anthony Grisé photo profile picture

Hi, I’m Anthony. I walk barefoot 🦶 , I sleep on the floor 💤 and I exclusively eat meat 🥩 . Needless to say, I’m fairly unconventional.

Friends of mine will tell you that I’m a joyful, stoic, kind, humble and easygoing young man – although some claim that I’m really 90 years old. I’m inquisitive and enjoy riddles, problem solving and the daily crossword – indeed, 90 years old. I strive to live a fulfilling, low-stress, happy life. 😊

Health has long been an important value to me ever since I was a little Anthony. I feel and preform my best physically, mentally and emotionally when I prioritize my health and well-being. A few years ago, however, I was shocked to learn that what I thought was a healthy diet was in fact a big fat lie.

The purpose of this website is to open your eyes to the industry influence, statistical manipulation and biased recommendations that are all-to-common in today’s nutritional guidelines. I’ll also introduce you to the proper human diet, backed by over one hundred research papers, books and historical references. It goes against almost everything you’ve been taught about nutrition, and it works.

Get ready to unlearn everything you know about nutrition.

So who pays you to promote this? I am not financially endorsed or influenced by any organization or industry, nor am I making any money from this website. It’s sole purpose is to share my passion and informed opinions on health. This website is the result of thousands of hours of independent research, reading, writing and programming.
I know, I should probably get a life.

You're Being Fed Lies

"People are fed by the food industry which pays no attention to health, and treated by the medical industry which pays no attention to food."
– Wendell Barry, American novelist

The food industry’s largest constituents (Big Food) make hundreds of billions of dollars a year selling you "food". These highly profitable foodstuffs almost always consist of dirt cheap grains, sugars and/or seed oils. Coincidentally, these are three of the most harmful ingredients to your health – and most addicting to the palate.

Do you really think that Nestle, Kellogg's and Kraft actually care about your health?

These food giants – not to mention the billion dollar diet and supplement industry – would crumble into bankruptcy if people knew true health. Their one and only objective is to sell you "food" and pills; whether they’re actually healthy or not is irrelevant to them.

The more processed garbage they convince you to buy, the more money they make. These mega-corporations have a huge financial incentive in ensuring that what they sell is deemed "healthy" – or at least not harmful to your health.

The Push For  Profits  Plants

Over the past few years, there’s been a massive push for plant-based diets. Most governments and health agencies around the world condemn the consumption of saturated fat & cholesterol laden animal-foods and heavily promote "heart-healthy" plant-based alternatives.

You would think that these recommendations emerged from considering the totality of nutritional research and forming an objective dietary plan that would best nourish the populous.

Nope. It’s not because plant-based diets are healthier for you. It’s simply because plant-based foods are much more profitable to Big Food than animal-based foods are. As you’ll discover in the research section below, many health agencies around the world are sponsored by and financially supported by – therefore influenced by – Big Food. Like the answer to most of society’s questions : Follow the money.

Trusting Big Food with health advice is like trusting a casino with financial advice.

Consider the Beyond Burger : a pea protein isolate, expeller-pressed canola oil, rice protein, plant-based patty (with 15 other oddly named ingredients). This concoction of processed powders and oils is supposedly healthier than a plain, natural beef patty?

Diets Suck

Essentially all well known diets revolve around caloric reduction and fat phobia. Yet there is ample evidence that low calorie and low-fat diets do not work. Sure, they might lead to some temporary weight loss, but at what cost?

...All so that you regain your lost weight a few weeks later – and then some. This isn’t a sustainable or enjoyable way to live a life.

Fortunately, there is a diet that is easy and enjoyable to follow, without any of the downsides of traditional dieting. It gives you all the nourishment your body requires, improves energy levels, mental focus, mood, strength, digestion and sleep – just to name a few. If anything, weight loss is an added bonus.

It’s not a "fad diet". It’s not "the new quick fix". It’s how our sapien ancestors have been eating for millions of years. It’s what has allowed us as a species to become the most intelligent life-form on this planet (well, some of us anyway.)

The Proper Human Diet

Unfortunately the term diet has a bad rap. It’s usually seen as a short term fix to lose a few pounds, and rarely as a long-term lifestyle. In my mind, a diet is a template that helps you prioritize the consumption of nourishing foods and limit unnourishing foods (or "non-foods" as I prefer to call them).

So what is the proper human diet?

That’s it!? Yea, that’s it.

To the contrary of what is advised by Canada’s Dietary Guidelines, I currently eat copious amounts of red meat, saturated fat and sodium – and have been doing so for almost 3 years now – and I’ve never felt better. (Other than the occasional vegan aggression.)

Meat and animal sourced foods – beef, pork, chicken, eggs, dairy and fish – provide your body with all of the essential vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and fatty acids that the body needs to thrive. In fact, adopting an animal-based / meat / carnivore diet has resolved many "incurable" ailments in some who have tried it. has compiled hundreds of success stories from people who are now disease free and thriving thanks to the proper human diet.

You likely have more questions than answers at this point. I’ve created an FAQ section below which may address some of your concerns and inquiries. Otherwise, you can always send me a message and I will be happy to answer your individual question, or in the least point you to a resource on the topic.

– Anthony, "The Meat Guy"

#eatmeat    #meatheals    #carnivorediet


Find answers to (some of) your questions. Visit the research section for studies cited in the FAQ section.

What Does "Nutrire" Mean?

Nutrire : latin for 'to nourish'
\ nūtrīre \

  1. to be nourishing, to be nutritious;
  2. to supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth;
  3. to sustain with food or nutriment.

Nourish your being with the nutrients it needs. Feed your soul with energy and positivity. Take care of the one and only body you have on this earth. Seek purpose, fulfillment and joy.

Yearn to thrive, not just exist.

What's an Animal-Based / Meat / Carnivore Diet?

In simple terms, it’s the opposite of a vegan diet. Meat, eggs, fish and dairy make up the bulk this diet.

The carnivore diet is a diet in which you exclusively consume animal sourced foods. Animal-based (like myself) prioritize animal sourced foods, but allow small amounts of non-animal sourced foods. (Coffee, tea, spices, mushrooms, certain vegetables, the occasional sweet treat...)

Animal sourced foods are incredibly nutrient dense, meaning that you get much more nutrition per meal than you would on a vegan diet for example. Animal protein is an especially underrated nutrient that most people could use more of.

Because the selection of food is quite limited, some use it as an "elimination diet" to pin point food intolerances.

How Is It Different Than Other Diets?

Unlike traditional diets, there is :

  • NO calorie counting,
  • NO pills or powders,
  • NO tracking intake,
  • NO relentless hunger,
  • NO energy crashes, and
  • NO mood swings.

All while indulging on nourishing, delicious, fatty, juicy meat. And it works!

Unlike a "starvation" diet, a carnivore diet nourishes and satiates your body with all of the essential nutrients vital to good health. It helps reset your hunger hormones, so you’ll naturally be less hungry if you have excess stored fat you can burn as fuel.

It’s well documented in the scientific literature that calorie restriction does NOT lead to significant long term weight loss.

The carnivore diet works on a principle other than calories. By heavily reducing or eliminating carbohydrates in your diet, your fat storing hormone (insulin) will drastically drop. This in turn will allow your body to use dietary fat as a fuel source and will allow your fat cells to release their stored fat. Essentially, you turn into a fat burning machine, without feeling starved.

Who Invented It?

It’s nothing new. Our sapien ancestors started consuming meat over a million years ago. Since then, our brain size tripled in size.

Meat has been a major part of our diet for hundreds of thousands of years, and is what has made us the most intelligent lifeforms on this planet.

As for the diet itself, it dates as far back as 150 years. A man named William Banting was urged to try a meat heavy diet for his obesity and sluggishness after having failed calorie restrictive diets from his doctor. He admits that he has "never lived so well as under the new plan of dietary."

Why Diet if I'm Already Thin?

As many as 7 out of 8 (87.8%)of Americans are metabolically unhealthy, even in normal weight individuals.

Weight is only one of many markers of good health. Other markers to look out for are :

  • Blood sugar levels,
  • Insulin levels,
  • Triglycerides levels,
  • Visceral fat (fat within the abdomen and in the organs),
  • Blood pressure,
  • Oxidized LDL,
  • Mental health,
  • Energy levels,
  • Sleep quality.

You may have a normal body weight, but hidden within may be signs of ill-health.

Additionally, although exercise has many great benefits, you cannot out-exercise a bad diet. It will catch up to you eventually. I personally know a fit, thin man in his 40’s who runs marathons regularly, and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. (Also vegetarian, which doesn’t help.)

How Will a Meat Diet Improve My Health?

Most people assume that health issues just appear with age – that they’re genetic and inevitable. However, diet and lifestyle plays a huge role in your current and long-term health – yes, even mental health.

Almost any health condition you can think of – skin issues, digestive issues, mental issues, sleep issues, allergies, arthritis, low-energy, obesity, diabetes, etc... – are either improved or completely cured on a carnivore diet. It’s almost unreal how powerful this diet is at healing "incurable" ailments. has an impressive collection of testimonials from those who have greatly benefited from a carnivore diet.

Many of those who were taking life-long prescription drugs either cut back substantially on their doses, or eliminated their prescription entirely.

For some, it’s a way to deal with food and sugar addiction – a condition that most people refuse to admit they have.

Oh, and as an added bonus, it will help you lose weight. (Although I disagree that weight alone is the best indicator of health.)

Is It Complicated?

Here’s the complete guide to following a carnivore diet :

Are You Hungry?

Do You Have Animal Products To Eat?

Is It Tastefully Seasoned With Salt?

Eat Until You're Not Hungry Anymore.

Salt to taste.

It's really that simple. No portioning. No calculations. Just nutrient dense animal sourced foods.

Isn't All the Meat, Fat and Salt Going to Kill Me?

I hate to tell you, but you’re going to die of something someday.

Admittedly, there has been very little research done on the long-term effects of a carnivore diet. It’s impossible to say with certainty whether this is a safe and healthy diet to maintain long-term. However, there is very little research on the long-term effects of ANY diet, so you can’t claim that one is safer or healthier than the other.

Some long-term carnivores include Kelly Hogan (12+ years) and Charlene Anderson (20+ years) who are still thriving to this day.

Unfortunately, the field of nutrition research is a total mess. There’s almost never a consensus on any given topic. It’s hard to know what to believe and what to ignore. However, higher quality studies – like some found in the research section – are more telling and trustworthy.

As you’ll discover, saturated fat, animal protein and salt consumption have NO effect on heart disease. Some studies even show an INVERSE association between saturated fat, animal protein and salt intake on mortality.

I have also written detailed articles on the topics of salt, fat, cholesterol and heart disease that can be found in the editorials section.

Elevated insulin appears to be uniquely associated with a number of chronic diseases. Keeping your insulin low via a low-carb or carnivore diet would be my recommendation for a long, healthy, disease-free life.

Aren't Vegetarians and Vegans Healthier Than Meat Eaters?

Despite measures to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant-based proteins, chronic diseases have never been more prevalent.

Now, eating whole, unprocessed foods (either from plant or animal sources) will undoubtedly be healthier for you than consuming processed, refined, multi-ingredient, artificial, industrial box food.

However, there are a number of studies that demonstrate that those who abstain from animal sourced foods have MORE allergies, depression, anxiety, mental health issues and nutritional deficiencies.

In most studies that compare vegetarian diets to "meat" diets, there are a number of factors to take into account :

  • There is what’s called a "healthy user bias" among vegetarians. Those who eat a plant-based diet are also more likely to be health conscious. They may consume less sugar, exercise more, drink less alcohol and live a healthier lifestyle than the average person. So in reality, perhaps it’s not their diet which gives them good health, but the other confounding factors.
  • Similarly, those who indulge on meat, fat and salt regularly generally disregard health recommendations. They may smoke more, drink more alcohol, eat more processed foods and sugar and generally neglect to take care of their health. So perhaps it isn’t the meat that is causing their ill-health, but the other confounding factors.
  • Additionally, based on a USDA report,"meat eaters" are likely eating a diet that only consists of 30% animal sourced foods.

Most people are surprised to learn that you can get all your essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients exclusively from animal sourced foods – even vitamin C. Plants are not essential.

In fact, most plants don’t want to be eaten. They have evolved harmful chemical defences throughout their evolution. These "anti-nutrients" can cause digestive permeability, inhibit the absorption of nutrients, accumulate in the body and even contribute to auto-immune diseases.

Fiber isn’t good for you either. I can assure you that I have no issues with bowel movements without any fiber in my diet. 💩

What About Whole Grains and Complex Carbohydrates?

All complex carbohydrates – such as whole wheat bread, cereal, potatoes and rice – are made up of chains of glucose (sugar) molecules. As they get digested, these chains break down into individual glucose molecules. Meaning that ALL carbohydrates get broken down to simple sugars in the body.

In other words, a whole wheat bun has just as much sugar as a chocolate bar.

Additionally, grains contain a family of anti-nutrients called "lectins", inflammatory proteins that attacks the gut lining, causing "leaky gut."

What About Dietary Supplements?

If a diet requires dietary supplements, it’s simply not a healthy diet. Period.

If, however, you’re looking to get more nutrients in your diet, organ meats are some of the most nutrient dense foods that exist. I consume beef liver (raw even) from time to time for extra nourishment.

What Are the Downsides & Side Effects?

Those who start a carnivore diet (or any diet that lowers carbohydrate intake) may experience the "keto flu" : headache, fatigue, irritability and foggy brain. A number of factors may contribute to these symptoms :

  • Sudden Lifestyle Change : Drastically changing your diet from one low in fat to high in fat will inevitably stress your body at first. It usually takes 2-4 weeks for your body to become "fat adapted".
  • Dehydration : A low / zero-carbohydrate diet will drastically lower your insulin, which in turn will cause the kidneys to expel more fluids. It’s important to drink more water than usual in the beginning weeks, otherwise symptoms of dehydration may arise.
  • Low-Electrolytes : Low insulin will also cause the kidneys to expel more sodium. Low sodium can also contribute to the "keto flu". It’s important to consume generous amounts of salt and other electrolytes while on a carnivore diet. (You can even add some to your water like I do.)
  • Food Addiction : Depriving yourself from addictive processed foods and sugar may cause you to experience withdrawal, also contributing to the "keto flu". However, your tastes and cravings will change over time. Today, my palate enjoys steak so much more than ice-cream.

Some downsides include :

  • Boredom : Some may find this way of eating very restrictive and get quickly bored of the limited selection of animal-foods. I recommend exploring various cuts of meats, cooking styles and spices that may diversify your meals.
  • High Cost : Animal sourced foods tend to be pricier than most plant-based foods. I look at it as a investment towards my long-term health and well-being. Cheaper animal sourced foods – but equally as nutritious – include ground beef, chicken, and eggs.
  • Limited Restaurant Selection : Eating out can become more complicated on this diet. Most restaurants offer meat, but often accompanied by non-meat ingredients. Easy options include chicken wings, meatballs or kebabs.

Despite these drawbacks, I believe that the health benefits greatly outweigh the inconveniences. It’s why I’ve stuck to an animal-based diet for almost 3 years now.

What Does Anthony Eat In a Day?

I generally only eat 2 meals a day : breakfast and dinner. Partially out of convenience, and partially because I eat nutrient dense foods that give me plenty of energy for hours at a time. I’m quite an active and muscular guy, so I eat far more than the average person.

Breakfast : 6-8 fried eggs with 6-8 pieces of bacon, or 5-6 sausages.

Dinner : ~2lbs of fatty, well seasoned meat : beef, pork, chicken and/or fish usually.

How Much Protein / Fat / Sodium Does Anthony Eat In a Day?

Honestly, I don’t know. I let me body’s intuition determine how much of what I eat. Like thirst, I drink when I'm naturally thirsty, and stop drinking once I'm sufficiently hydrated.

It only makes sense that your body will naturally crave what it needs to thrive (if eating unprocessed, natural foods of course.) I listen to my body and give it what it needs. I eat when I’m hungry, add salt to taste, and don’t shy away from fat.

What Foods Are Considered "Canivore"?

Any food that comes from an animal :

  • Beef,
  • Lamb,
  • Pork,
  • Wild Game,
  • Chicken,
  • Turkey,
  • Duck,
  • Eggs,
  • Fish,
  • Seafood,
  • Dairy,
  • Organ meats,
  • etc...

What Foods Should I Avoid?

Anything processed, especially containing grains, seed oils and/or sugars. Depending on your sensitivity to certain foods, dairy and certain spices could also be no-nos. In the end, it’s up to you to experiment with your tolerances to different foods and add / remove items accordingly.

How Strict Do I Have to Be? Can I Have Cheat Meals?

Going full carnivore is admittedly quite extreme and restrictive. I’m not advocating a 100% meat diet to everyone. However, I think that everyone would benefit from adding more animal sourced protein in their diet.

That said, the occasional sweet treat or carb filled food won’t ruin your health (but might cause food addiction relapse for some.) So go ahead and treat yourself form time to time. Remember that life is short. Memento mori.

Common non-animal sourced food exceptions include coffee, certain spices, apple cider vinegar, fermented / pickled vegetables and mushrooms.

How To Start?

Research : It’s important to know the basics before starting anything. Check out some of the research and resources I’ve provided below. Read some books (The Big Fat Suprise, Sacred Cow). Watch some YouTube nutrition presentations (Low-Carb Down Under, What I've Learned). Follow some of the science.

Set Goals : Continually remind yourself why you want to follow this diet. To regain the physique of your 20 year old self? To wake up feeling refreshed and energized? To run a marathon? To live to be 100? To have more energy to play with your grand-children? To improve your cognitive abilities? Whatever it is, keep track of your progress and continually remind yourself, "why am I doing this?".

Some prefer to go cold turkey (mmm, turkey...), whereas others prefer a gradual transition, adding more and more animal sourced foods in their diet while removing more and more plant foods and carbs. Once adapted to the diet, I would suggest to at least try 2 weeks of pure carnivore just to experience it. Afterwards, if you want to experiment with adding in non-animal sourced foods, be my guest. Do what feels right to you.


You've Been Fed A Big Fat Lie – Presentation

March 24th 2021
~ 20 minute watch

Video Presentation (YouTube)
Presentation Slides (.pdf)

I had the pleasure of giving a short 20 minute presentation to the Low-Carb / Carnivore Vancouver group. I presented my take on the idea that dietary fat – notably saturated fat and cholesterol – does NOT contribute to heart disease. You can find the link to the video as well as the presentation slides above.

Letter To Health Canada on Sodium Restriction – p.2

February 15th 2021
~ 18 minute read

Karen's Reply (.pdf)

At the end of January, I was exited to find that Karen from Health Canada had replied to my letter in which I expressed my concerns for the sodium restriction guidelines. (You can find her reply in PDF form above.) She did a poor job at defending her case and failed to convinced me that she was correct in her beliefs. So, I spent over 2 weeks writing her a second, much longer letter (with over 50 citations) to support my case that salt is not culpable in the progression of hypertension, and that insulin may be the missing piece to the puzzle.

View this letter as a PDF (.pdf)

Subject : You Have Failed To Prove That Sodium is Culpable For Hypertension


Thank you for your detailed and informative response to my previous letter on salt. I appreciate the time you took to elaborate on your position and answer some of the questions I had. Still, I remain unconvinced by your "proof". Most of your claims are baseless and have little significance to the underlying pathology and treatment of hypertension.

Let me ask you Karen, do you personally consume the recommended 1500 mg of sodium every day? Do you meticulously measure every milligram of salt you ingest? If not, it is disgraceful and hypocritical of you to expect the entire country to follow such restrictive and unnatural behaviours – especially since they’re not backed by any quality evidence.

The science is NOT settled. The totality of the evidence has NOT been considered. Your belief that excess sodium consumption causes hypertension is WRONG.

In this subsequent letter, I disprove many of the claims you present in your reply. I also explain in detail a possible causal factor for hypertension – one that has little to do with sodium intake. Once again, I ask you to keep an open mind when reading the following letter. If you truly care about the health of Canadians, please read on.

Hypertension : A Reminder

Hypertension, as defined by the Public Health Agency of Canada, is a state in which "systolic blood pressure [is] at or above 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure [is] at or above 90 mmHg." According to the American Heart Association, "essential hypertension (essential in a medical context means idiopathic, that is, of unknown cause) accounts for 95% of all cases of hypertension".

You explain in your response that "[a high sodium intake,] physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diet, harmful use of alcohol, inadequate potassium intake and type 2 diabetes" are all factors that are associated with hypertension.

The "Cause" of Hypertension

As mentioned above, 95% of all cases of hypertension remain a mystery. Apparently though, you claim to know the cause of hypertension. "High blood pressure or hypertension occurs when blood pressure is too high for long periods of time. ... It develops slowly overtime and without obvious symptoms." ...This explains absolutely nothing. These appear to be nothing more than meaningless statements. The only purpose of this explanation is to prove how little you know about hypertension.

Furthermore, you claim that "too much [dietary sodium] can lead to high blood pressure" and that "it is estimated that over 30% of high blood pressure cases in Canada are due to high sodium intake."

This is utterly false.

Upon reviewing the study that this statistic is based on, you grossly misinterpreted the conclusion made in the paper. The authors actually concluded that "reducing dietary sodium additives may decrease hypertension prevalence by 30%."

The report does not mention anywhere that excess sodium intake was responsible for hypertension, simply that reducing sodium intake lowered blood pressure. How are you so certain that excessive alcohol intake, inadequate potassium intake, physical inactivity, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and/or other unknown factors weren't responsible for the the illness?

You cannot interpret studies whatever way you want – especially when public health is at stake. To present this interpretation as fact is misleading, unscientific and is a blatant lie.

Are you really basing dietary guidelines on "estimates", "maybes" and faulty logic? Where is the quality research that supports your position on sodium restriction?

If this same logic used in creating Canada’s dietary guidelines, you may as well scrap the whole thing.

Salt In The Past Century

The prevalence of hypertension has almost quadrupled over the past 80 years. [ref, ref]

Despite the drastic rise in hypertension, the consumption of salt actually went down over the past century. "Our current salt consumption (1.5 to 1.75 teaspoons per day, 8-9 grams) is about one half of the amount consumed between the War of 1812 and the end of World War II, which was about 3 to 3.3 teaspoons (16-17 grams) of salt per day." [ref] Additionally, salt consumption has remained relatively consistent from 1957 to 2003 (mean, 3526 mg/day). How can sodium be blamed for the increasing rate of hypertension, when salt consumption has decreased over the past 2 centuries, and has remained unchanged for the past 50 years?

Thinking about it logically, it doesn’t make much sense that a nutrient that’s been in our environment for hundreds of thousands of years is suddenly responsible for the dramatic rise in hypertension seen in the past century. It much more likely that a new and recent change in our physical or food environment is linked to its etiology.

Problem Solve Like An Engineer

Before even suggesting a solution, engineers are taught to identify the root cause of a problem. This way, they are certain to address the real issue at hand, not just a symptom or a secondary effect.

For example : Ever since you’ve owned it, your hot tub has maintained a comfortable water temperature of 96°F. However, over the past few weeks, the temperature has been slowly and inexplicably creeping up, to the point where it’s now almost unbearably hot. Your first instinct is to add a few trays of ice cubes to the tub. This immediately lowers the temperature and allows you to bathe comfortably again. This solution works for a little while, until the temperature creeps up yet again. This is what is called "treating a symptom".

Indeed, adding ice cubes to the tub will lower its temperature – it’s a working solution. However, it’s far from the most logical. Before even thinking about adding ice cubes to the tub, one should ask : why is the water getting hotter? Could it be that the hot tub is lacking ice cubes? Probably not, as it worked fine before. Or could it be that the temperature regulator is faulty? Ah, now we’re using our brain. The temperature regulator is replaced, and the temperature returns to its comfortable 96°F.

What I’m trying to explain is that just because a solution works (in the short-term), does not mean that the solution was in any way related to the cause of the problem, or that the root issue was addressed. Lowering sodium intake may lower blood pressure (in the short-term), but it does not mean that excessive sodium intake is the root cause of hypertension. Like in my example – and as I’ll explain further on – elevated blood pressure may be caused by a faulty regulator.

This article nicely explains Hill’s criteria for determining causation in statistics.

Treating a Symptom

"Treating a symptom" is unfortunately extremely common in the field of health and medicine. Much of modern medicine is focused on addressing superficial symptoms without having a deep understanding of the underlying issues. With ever increasing specialization in health and medicine, it’s becoming more and more difficult to piece together the sum of the evidence on a given problem. Each is working on their individual piece of the puzzle, yet no one puts the puzzle together. Few of these experts take the time – or are even able – to critically asses the root cause of the problem they’re working on. It’s not that they’re unintelligent, but their specialization bubble prevents them from being able to piece together the totality of the evidence and put the puzzle together.

As an expert yourself, your contribution to the puzzle pertains to the effects of dietary sodium reduction on blood pressure. A somewhat useful piece of information. However, it’s unlikely that you can solve the hypertension puzzle with just this one small piece.

Sodium & Hypertension : A Singled Out Victim

You seem to have forgotten that there are a number of other lifestyle and dietary factors that can also affect blood pressure. I understand that your department focuses primarily on food research, but you seem to focus all of your attention on sodium. I’m curious to know why your emphasis is on sodium restriction and why you essentially ignore the effects of potassium, sugar and alcohol consumption on blood pressure?

You might argue that it’s because "even a modest reduction in dietary sodium can result in a significant decrease in blood pressure." Once again, this statement proves nothing more than your lack of understanding of the effects of sodium on blood pressure.

In this study – the one you referred to in your reply – "reducing dietary sodium additives by 1840 mg/day would result in a decrease of 5.06 mmHg (systolic) and 2.7 mmHg (diastolic) blood pressures." In other words, if you are hypertensive (with blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg), cutting more than half of your sodium intake would only marginally decrease your blood pressure – and likely won’t resolve your hypertension.

In fact, some research suggests that even successfully lowering blood pressure may not even reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. "There were no significant differences in the rates of cardiovascular disease events during follow-up among those assigned vs not assigned to either sodium reduction or weight loss [despite reductions in blood pressure]." [ref] "In even successfully treated hypertensive patients, most CVD events that would have occurred without treatment still occur." [ref]

Where’s The Proof?

Thus far, I have yet to come across any research that proves that excess sodium intake (in isolation) causes hypertension. There doesn’t seem to be a feasible pathological explanation as to why a prolonged, higher than recommended intake of sodium causes hypertension. There are many studies that demonstrate an association between excessive sodium intake and hypertension, but none that prove causality.

Although some studies show that reducing sodium intake reduces blood pressure, it does not imply that excess sodium was responsible for hypertension in the first place. From another point of view, one might think that excess alcohol consumption is the cause of hypertension, since reducing alcohol intake decreases blood pressure similarly to reducing sodium intake.

Research That You Neglected To Review

Although you say that the "totality of best evidence [supports] lowering sodium intake", there appears to be high quality research that contradicts the current sodium guidelines. You have either neglected, ignored, or discarded these studies, since they don’t support your preexisting beliefs.

In this Cochrane Review (one of the most respected and trusted scientific reviews), the researchers conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials "to assess the long‐term effects of advice and salt substitution, aimed at reducing dietary salt, on mortality and cardiovascular morbidity". The authors of this review concluded that "there is insufficient power to confirm clinically important effects of dietary advice and salt substitution on cardiovascular mortality in nonsensitive or hypertensive populations."

Yet, you claim that "there is evidence for a causal relationship between reductions in sodium intake and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease and hypertension". I would love for you to provide me with this high quality evidence.

You mention that "a 2013 Institute of Medicine consensus report found that the methodological quality of studies linking lower sodium intake with adverse health outcomes was variable and this limited the ability to make comparisons or conclusions." (With which I don’t disagree.) However, in the exact same report, the authors conclude that "evidence from studies on direct health outcomes is inconsistent and insufficient to conclude that lowering sodium intakes below 2300 mg per day either increases or decreases risk of CVD outcomes (including stroke and CVD mortality) or all-cause mortality."

Along the same lines, the author of this 2016 scientific paper searched the scientific literature to find any quality research that justifies the current 2300mg/day sodium limit. He concluded that :

  • 1. There are no randomized controlled trials (RCTs) allocating individuals to below 2,300 mg and measuring health outcomes;
  • 2. RCTs allocating risk groups such as obese prehypertensive individuals and hypertensive individuals down to (but not below) 2,300 mg show no effect of sodium reduction on all-cause mortality;
  • 3. RCTs allocating individuals to below 2,300 mg show a minimal effect on blood pressure in the healthy population (less than 1mm Hg) and significant increases in renin, aldosterone, noradrenalin, cholesterol, and triglyceride;
  • 4. Observational studies show that sodium intakes below 2,645 mg and above 4,945 mg are associated with increased mortality.

The March 2019 report from the Academy of Sciences on Sodium and Potassium intake concludes that "there remains insufficient evidence to establish sodium [a dietary reference intake] for adequacy."

I think I’ll stop here. If this isn’t proof that your guidelines are baseless, I don’t know what is.

The Wrong Suspect?

I’d like to remind you that "commercially processed foods account for 77% of [Canadian’s] sodium intake." [ref] If those who reduce their sodium intake – likely by decreasing their consumption of processed foods – have lower blood pressure, who’s to say that it’s because of the reduction in sodium (a single nutrient), and not the reduction in processed foods? Perhaps the effect was due to the reduction of processed foods in the diet – notably refined carbohydrates – and had little to do with the reduction of sodium. (Replacing chips with carrots for example.)

Furthermore, you mention that hypertension "develops slowly overtime". It seems more likely that factors that also develop slowly over time (such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance) are more likely to be linked with the progression of hypertension.

Does sodium affect blood pressure? Yes. Is sodium causally responsible for hypertension? Not based on any research I’ve seen. Is there compelling evidence to support an alternative hypothesis for the cause of hypertension? Yes.

The Root Cause of Hypertension?

The cause of essential hypertension remains a mystery and may be multi-factorial. However, there is compelling evidence that insulin may explain its underlying pathology.

Insulin in an anabolic, fat storing hormone and aids in blood sugar regulation. It is well-known that hyperinsulinemia plays an important role in the pathology of obesity [ref, ref, ref, ref] and type 2 diabetes [ref, ref, ref]. Unsurprisingly, there also appears to be an important relationship between elevated insulin levels and hypertension.

First, let’s understand how blood pressure is regulated.

[1] – The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)

If you are unfamiliar with this system, you should resign now. It is absurd that you are involved in making national dietary guidelines, yet know little to nothing about the diseases you’re trying to prevent.

"The RAAS plays a major role in orchestrating the maintenance of normal blood pressures." [ref] With help from the kidneys, it responds to blood pressure variations and aims to maintain regular blood pressure. This system respond very effectively to low or high blood pressures, and adjusts blood pressure accordingly by retaining or excreting sodium. Pressure natriuresis is the mechanism responsible for excreting excess sodium – along with extracellular fluid – in the urine to lower blood pressure.

"Alterations in the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system are key factors in the development and maintenance of hypertension." [ref] Similar to my hot tub example, it appears that the root issue of hypertension lies in its regulation. Those with obesity tend to have an activated RAAS, which induces hypertension. [ref] Additionally, diabetics are twice as likely to have hypertension as compared to non-diabetics, due to "up-regulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, oxidative stress, inflammation, and activation of the immune system." [ref]

[2] – Insulin’s Role in Hypertension

Insulin plays an important role in blood pressure regulation (or deregulation) by promoting the activation of the RAAS. [ref] This is likely why type 2 diabetics – especially those taking exogenous insulin – are more susceptible to hypertension. The following studies serve to support this theory.

In two groups, matched for sex, age, body weight and body fat, "both plasma insulin (50±6 vs. 30±6 μU/mL) and plasma glucose concentrations (114±8 vs. 85±8 mg/dl) at two hours were significantly higher in the hypertensive than in the normotensive subjects." "These results provide preliminary evidence that essential hypertension is an insulin-resistant state." [ref]

Independent of obesity, hypertensives were significantly more insulin resistant. "There was a negative correlation between insulin sensitivity and ... systolic blood pressure." The mean blood pressure and fasting insulin was :

  • 125/74 mmHg & 4.7 mU/L for the normotensive group;
  • 171/104 mmHg & 7.5 mU/L for the non-obese hypertensive group;
  • 168/103 mmHg & 11.9 mU/L for the obese hypertensive group. [ref]

A random population of 2475 individuals were assessed for hypertension and glucose-intolerance. Of the hypertensives, "83.4% ... were either glucose-intolerant or obese – both established insulin-resistant conditions." [ref]

Over a 6 to 12 year follow-up, "subjects with insulin values above the 75th percentile experienced three times more hypertension than did those below the 25th percentile." [ref]

Metabolic syndrome – characterized primarily by insulin resistance – appears in "up to one-third of hypertensive patients." "Visceral obesity, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, activated renin-angiotensin system, increased inflammatory mediators, and obstructive sleep apnea" all appear to play a role in the progression of hypertension in those with metabolic syndrome. [ref]

Many more scientific articles – supported by substantial evidence – further elaborate on this theory. Some researchers even claim that there is a causal and independent relationship between insulin and essential hypertension. [ref, ref, ref]

[3] – How Does Insulin Affect Blood Pressure?

Insulin inhibits renal sodium excretion and overrides the pressure natriuresis mechanism, which in turn increases blood pressure. [ref, ref, ref, ref, ref] So while excess sodium in the blood slightly raises blood pressure, the problem lies in that insulin prevents the kidneys from excreting the excess sodium, which keeps blood pressure elevated.

Yes, reducing dietary sodium intake will lower the concentration of sodium present in the blood and may marginally decrease blood pressure. Adding ice cubes to an overheated hot tub will cool it down. But this does not address the root issue. In healthy individuals with low levels of circulating insulin, any excess sodium – along with water – is simply excreted in the urine. (Hence why you get thirsty after eating something salty.) This is also why the 24-h urinary sodium excretion measurement is considered the gold standard method for measuring population sodium intake, as any excess sodium consumed is simply excreted in the urine.

[4] – Low Insulin & Hypertension

If insulin truly does play a role in the pathology of hypertension, you would expect that lowering insulin would lower blood pressure. Well, that’s exactly what happens.

Hypertensive diabetics taking exogenous insulin were tested to see how lowering their insulin dosage would affect their blood pressure and sodium excretion. Their dosage was lowered by approximately 20 IU for 6 consecutive days. Prior to the intervention, the mean blood pressure was 171.3/97.3 mmHg, and urinary sodium excretion was 96.0 mEq/L. After 6 days on the intervention, the mean blood pressure fell drastically to 138.2/79.7 mmHg (almost non-hypertensive range for diabetics) and sodium excretion tapered down from 158 mEq/L on the first day, to 105.3 mEq/L on the sixth. (Once again, demonstrating that when insulin is lowered, the kidneys can release more sodium, thus reducing blood pressure, and vice versa.) The authors conclude that there may be a "causal relationship between insulin and blood pressure even in essential hypertension". [ref]

In this dietary based study, a low-carbohydrate diet was tested against a low-fat diet for weight loss over 48 weeks. (Low-carbohydrate diets necessarily lower endogenous insulin secretion, since carbohydrates elicit a greater insulin response as compared to protein or fat.) The authors concluded that "the [low-carbohydrate diet (<20g carbohydrate/day)] had a more beneficial impact than [a low-fat diet] on systolic (−5.9 vs 1.5 mmHg) and diastolic (−4.5 vs 0.4 mmHg) blood pressures." [ref]

[5] – Sugar’s Effect On Blood Pressure

Refined carbohydrates – such as simple sugars and wheat flour – tend to illicit the greatest insulin response of any food. Unsurprisingly, such saccharides are found almost exclusively in processed foods (that coincidentally, may also be salty). As one would expect, they tend to increase blood pressure.

A systematic review of randomized controlled trials reviewed the effects of sugar on blood pressure. In trials over 8 weeks in duration – independent of increases in body weight – the mean systolic blood pressure increased by 6.9 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure by 5.6 mmHg. [ref]

In this randomized controlled trial, consuming 200g of fructose daily for only 2 weeks lead to a mean increase in systolic blood pressure by 7±2 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure by 5±2 mmHg. [ref]

This scientific article explains that "high-insulinemic food, typical of current "Western" diets, has the potential to cause hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, as well as an abnormally increased activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the [RAAS], alterations that play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of ... hypertension." [ref]

[6] – Additional Reading

If you are still unconvinced about the insulin hypothesis of hypertension, I’ve included 5 additional scientific articles below that go into much further detail on the topics of salt, sugar, insulin, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. [ref, ref, ref, ref, ref] If you have not read it, I highly recommend "The Salt Fix", by Dr. James DiNicolantonio.


"Officials at Health Canada have determined that the scientific consensus and totality of best evidence continues to support the health benefits that can be achieved by lowering sodium intake." As demonstrated in the present letter, there is NOT a scientific consensus. The totality of best evidence was NOT considered. There is NO meaningful research to support the health benefits from lowering sodium intake.

You’re targeting the wrong suspect. Insulin (not sodium) appears to play an important role – perhaps even a causal role – in the progression of hypertension. High-insulinemic foods – notably refined carbohydrates – should be the focus of dietary restriction for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, not sodium.

"The Department uses the best available evidence to support food and nutrition related policies and regulations. ... Our approach to sodium reduction is consistent with current international efforts of sodium reduction." Prior to your reply, I trusted that Health Canada had a team of expert researchers that critically investigated important health matters. I was unaware, however, that Health Canada does not conduct any of its own research, and simply "copy-pastes" whatever large, international health institutions advise.

I am disappointed that you are not even a little bit intrigued by this alternative hypothesis to hypertension. Instead, you aim to dismiss my arguments and research, and back up your existing beliefs with illogical, inconclusive and unscientific "proof". Science cannot progress if you don’t rethink your current beliefs.

If it’s true that "Health Canada continues to monitor emerging science to keep up to date with the latest evidence and adjust its policies accordingly", I fully expect you to update the sodium guidelines based on this present letter and the research I’ve provided. If you do not personally have the authority to revise Canada’s Dietary Guidelines, please send this letter to those who do have the authority to reassess the guidelines.

I truly hope that we can come to an understanding and that you will take action on this matter, as I am prepared to take legal action if necessary.

The science is NOT settled. The totality of the evidence has NOT been considered. Your belief that excess sodium consumption causes hypertension is WRONG.

Remember that science has been wrong before. Starting in the 1920’s – and for over half a century – doctors were promoting the use of cigarettes, reassuring patients "that smoking was safe". [ref]

Stop blindly trusting "the best available evidence" from large, international health institutions. They’re not infallible gods. They may even be as misguided and uninformed as you are. Start taking your job seriously and maybe someday you will have a real impact on Canadians’ heath.

Anthony Grisé
Health Researcher

P.S. I believe you meant "over time" and not "overtime".

Letter To Health Canada on Sodium Restriction – p.1

December 28th 2020
~ 8 minute read

This letter was addressed to Karen McIntyre, the Food Directorate Director at Health Canada. She sent out an e-mail detailing her mission to reduce Canadians’ sodium intake, due to it’s major risk on heart disease. I disagree with her position that salt is the main culprit in heart disease. In fact, consuming too little salt has detrimental health consequences. So I sent her the following letter.

Subject : Salt : Could Eating More Be Healthier?

Hi Karen,

Limiting Canadian’s salt intake will NOT reduce their rates of heart disease. It will worsen their metabolic health, increase their risk of diabetes and may even increase heart disease mortality.

I respect your dedication towards bettering the health of Canadians. However, if you truly strive to improve people’s health, I think it’s important that you don’t ignore evidence that opposes the status quo of nutrition research. I hope that you will keep an open mind when reading the following letter.

Based on my personal findings and research, the current recommendations to reduce salt intake are not justified – or even healthy. Let me explain.

Firstly, I’d like to disclose that I’m not affiliated with any organization or industry and have no financial interests. Health is a passion of mine. I strive to know true health. I practice what I preach (but don’t mind the occasional treat). I consume generous amounts of salt every day.

Over 60% of Canadian adults consume more sodium than the 2300mg upper limit of the dietary guidelines¹. Yet, only 19% of adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure². Why doesn’t everyone who exceeds their recommended sodium intake have high blood pressure? What if salt isn’t entirely responsible for high blood pressure?

What if salt isn’t as bad as we thought?

A majority of Canadians are unable to follow a low-salt diet. Their instinctive, primal need for salt drives them to consume more than what is advised. So which do you think is more reliable: the dietary guidelines, or our body’s instinctive craving for salt?

Most people drink less than the recommended 8 glasses of water per day. Rather than rely on an outdated, unscientific recommendation, isn’t it more logical to simply drink when we’re thirsty? Why not rely on our thirst to tell us how much to drink? The same principle should be applied to eating salt. So how much salt should we consume then?

Unlike addictive substances, salt intake is a negative feedback loop. The more salt you eat, the less you crave it. Similarly, the less salt you eat, the more you crave it. Your body regulates it’s cravings for salt based on how much it needs. According to the Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada, "the current mean intake of sodium by Canadians is about 3,400 mg per day"². Why then would our bodies tell us to eat more salt than is healthy? I would argue that the body’s need for sodium is closer to the current intake than the recommended intake of 2300mg/day (or the 1500mg/day recommended by the Institute of Medicine). Canadians today actually consume much less salt than we did historically.

Throughout history, people consumed much more salt than we do today. "Western societies consumed between 3 and 3.3 teaspoons (15-17 grams) of salt per day from the early 1800s until the end of World War II. ... After World War II, when refrigeration began to displace salt as the main means of food preservation, salt consumption in the US (and somewhat later in other countries) dropped dramatically to about half that rate, or nine grams (1.8 teaspoons) per day."³

Everyone and their dog must have had heart disease back then!

In reality, heart disease was much less common in the beginning of the 20th century than it is now. In 2010, heart disease accounted for 24% of all deaths, whereas in 1900, it was only 8% (US data)⁴.

What about their blood pressure? Surely all the additional salt in their system would be bad for their health!

When you drink too much water, your body will excrete any water it doesn’t need. Same goes for sodium. The excess sodium you ingest is simply filtered out by the kidneys and is excreted in the urine.

Worldwide, the average per-capita consumption of sodium is 3.95g per day, "nearly double the two grams daily recommended by the World Health Organization"⁵. Which do you think is more likely: that a majority of people on earth consume twice as much salt as is healthy, or the WHO’s guidelines underestimate people’s need for salt?

According to this internationnal study on sodium intake and heart health, those who consumed between 4000mg to 6000mg of sodium (10g to 14g of salt) per day had a LOWER risk of cardiovascular events as compared to those that ate more OR LESS sodium. Consuming the recommended 2000mg of sodium per day put you MORE at risk for heart disease than consuming 6 times as much (12000mg/day). Maybe less isn’t better.

This systematic review analyzed 8 randomized controlled trials (the gold standard in nutrition research) on the effects of reducing salt intake for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In both normal and high blood pressure participants, there was NO significant reduction in cardiovascular disease from limiting salt consumption.

This 2015 study on South Koreans – South Koreans having the lowest rates of heart disease worldwide – found that those who consumed the MOST sodium had the LOWEST blood pressure, rates of heart disease and diabetes. Inversely, those that consumed the LEAST amount of sodium had the HIGHEST blood pressure, rates of heart disease and diabetes. The average consumption of sodium in Korean males is 5300mg/day, almost triple the recommended intake⁷.

Similarly, this study found that blood pressure didn’t change significantly between tertiles of salt consumption. Although blood pressure didn’t change significantly between tertiles, "lower sodium [intake] was associated with higher [cardiovascular disease] mortality".

Humans, like all mammals, require salt – it is an essential nutrient. Elephants, for example, will uproot entire trees just to get at the salty soil under the roots. Some animals will drink urine due to it’s sodium content. Cows require salt licks for optimal health. It’s required for digestion, for bone formation, for nerve impulses and for muscle contraction. The heart (a muscle) requires salt to function properly.

The Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada states that "high blood pressure is THE major cause of cardiovascular disease", yet I’ve found no research to support this statement. Some studies do show that significantly cutting back on your salt consumption will lower your blood pressure. Yet, most of these studies – including the ones cited in the Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada – show only a very small reduction in blood pressure. Furthermore, multiple studies show that consuming a low salt diet can actually be harmful for your health.

Those who limit their salt intake are more likely to have high LDL cholesterol, impaired metabolism, greater inflammatory markers, insulin resistance and fatigue ⁸ ⁹ ¹⁰.

There may be an association between salt consumption and heart disease. Nothing more than an association though. It could be explained by the fact that "commercially processed foods account for 77% of [Canadian’s] sodium intake"². Consider that it may not be the salt itself that is responsible for heart disease and high blood-pressure, but the other ingredients contained in the processed foods that may be to blame (sugar, vegetable oils, wheat, etc.).

Salt does not appear to be a significant contributor to heart disease. Furthermore, adopting a low salt diet may even increase your risk of disease, including heart disease. Despite the large consumption of salt in the beginning of the 20th century, heart disease deaths were a third of what they are today. The current hypothesis that consuming more than 2300mg of sodium is the leading cause of heart disease is wrong.

The guidelines on salt consumption need to be revised. You could unintentionally be harming the health of millions of Canadians.

Sources :

1 -
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4 -
5 -
6 -
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Additional Resources :

a - The Salt Fix, Dr. James DiNicolantonio
b - Salt and our Health (article) -
c - It's Time to End the War on Salt (article) -

Fat Intake & Heart Disease : A Flawed Hypothesis?

September 14th 2020
~ 15 minute read

I recently joined Dr. Matthew Nagra, a plant-based advocate, in a discussion regarding the effects of fat and LDL on Heart Disease. You can find the full video below, as well as my slideshow presentation.

Video Presentation (YouTube)

Power Point Presentation (.pdf)

(I won’t be offended if you don’t watch the entire 2 ½ hour video. Matthew rambled on for most of it anyway.)

I’ve also included a much more detailed, supplementary article below further explaining my view of fat intake on heart disease. I tried to make it as simple as possible to understand for those who have a life outside of nutrition research.


The idea that fat – especially saturated fat and cholesterol – contribute to heart disease is a relatively new hypothesis. In the early 20th century, heart disease was almost unheard of. Over the following decades, however, heart disease deaths rose steadily, reaching its peak in the 1980’s. In 2007, coronary heart disease was the cause of half of all deaths in the US. [ref] What caused this massive increase in deaths from heart disease? Let’s take a look at the role fat consumption played on heart disease throughout the last century.

How Dietary Fat Became the Villain

Animal fats – known to be high in saturated fat – fell drastically over the 20th century. These fats were gradually replaced with "heart healthy" plant oils, shortenings and margarine. [ref] So, despite saturated fat consumption decreasing over the last century, heart disease on the other hand has been increasing. If anything, there seems to be an inverse association between saturated fat and hear disease.

So how did this hypothesis prevail? Researcher Ansel Keys – not a cardiologist, or even a medical doctor at that – formulated his Diet Heart Hypothesis in the 1950’s. [ref] His controversial "Seven Countries Study" published in 1953 demonstrated a strong association between fat consumption and rates of heart disease. [ref] What Keys left out of his study, however, was that he actually surveyed 22 countries for his analysis. By choosing only the studies that best represented his hypothesis, he was able to show a strong association between fat intake and heart disease. A later review of his study showed that, "The apparent association is greatly reduced when tested on all countries for which data are available instead of the six countries used." In fact, choosing 6 other countries Keys surveyed showed an inverse relationship between fat intake and rates of heart disease. [ref]

Rather than try to explain the reason why some countries that consumed large amounts of saturated fat had low levels of heart disease, they were simply categorized as "paradoxes" and ignored. "The French paradox is the observation of low coronary heart disease death rates despite high intake of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat." [ref] Obviously, Keys left out this country from his analysis.

Consider this : why don’t other carnivores in the wild – such as lions, wolves and bears – get heart disease? Surely their high intake of fatty meat would cause them to die young from heart disease. And yet this isn’t a common occurrence. Interestingly though, when dogs – carnivorous animals in the wild – are fed a plant-based, "heart healthy", legume-rich feed, they develop heart disease. [ref]

Contradictory Evidence

To my knowledge, there is currently no high quality evidence showing that saturated fat intake directly causes heart disease. Associations, sure. But none that specifically isolate saturated fat as a causal factor in heart disease. In fact, there are many high-quality studies that show no effect – or even an inverse effect – of saturated fat and cholesterol intake on heart disease incidence and mortality. [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref]

Alternatively, we can look to populations that consume a high fat diet. And counterintuitively – despite their large intake of animal fat and saturated fat – these populations tend to have far fewer cases of heart disease than what is expected. [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref]

A New Culprit for Heart Disease?

Keys later proposed the Lipid Heart Hypothesis, which blames elevated serum cholesterol – notably LDL cholesterol – as the cause of heart disease. Because cholesterol is found in the arterial plaques of victims of heart disease, it must be the culprit. Seems logical enough.

Although LDL is the accused culprit, there are many more villains that play a role – possibly even a bigger role – on heart disease than the accused LDL. Other risk factors that increase heart disease risk include :

  • High blood pressure,
  • Low HDL,
  • High Triglycerides [ref],
  • Low HDL & High Triglycerides, [ref]
  • Insulin Resistance, [ref]
  • Metabolic Syndrome, [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref]
  • Diabetes,
  • Alcohol,
  • Smoking,
  • Obesity,
  • Genetics, and a
  • Sedentary Lifestyle.
  • [ref]

To ignore these other factors – which in combination may predict heart disease much better than simply LDL – is ignorant.

What is LDL Cholesterol Exactly?

LDL stands for "Low Density Lipoprotein". In fact, LDL isn’t cholesterol. LDL is like a bus that carries cholesterol molecules, triglycerides and fat soluble vitamins to various parts of the body. It originates in the liver, where it is sent off to deliver its cargo to cells around the body. In contrast, HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) – considered "good" cholesterol – has the opposite task. HDL collects fat from around the body and brings it back to the liver to be processed. Lipoproteins have the important task of transporting fat – which doesn’t mix well with our water based blood – around the circulatory system. Think oil and water.

Cholesterol on the other hand is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, cholesterol is vitally important for good health. Did you know that the average person produces around 80% of their daily requirements of cholesterol in the liver (800mg/day)? [ref] That’s right, the body manufactures its own cholesterol. The less cholesterol you eat, the more your body produces, and vice-versa. If cholesterol is so deadly and dangerous, why would the body make it in the first place – and so much of it? Breast milk – the preferred food for all growing newborn mammals – is full of cholesterol. [ref] So, what is all this cholesterol used for in the body?

Cholesterol is vital for life and serves a multitude of functions in the body :

  • It is a crucial component of every cell membrane in your body,
  • It aids in cell reparation,
  • It helps fight off viral and bacterial infections, [ref] [ref] [ref]
  • It makes up the myelin sheath that surrounds and insulates nerve cells,
  • It is necessary for the synthesis of many hormones (estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, Vitamin D…),
  • And it even may be protective against heart disease. [ref]

In fact, the brain is so dependant on cholesterol, that it has its own cholesterol production centre. Despite only contributing 2% of our body weight, the brain uses 25% of all cholesterol in the body. [ref]

The 2015 US Dietary Guidelines' Scientific Report even stated that, "consistent with the conclusions of the AHA/ACC report, cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption". [ref]

Why LDL Is Thought to Be Linked to Heart Disease

What makes this LDL "bus" a risk factor in heart disease? A number of large studies have shown a strong association between levels of LDL and risk for heart disease. Therefore, because saturated fat raises LDL, and LDL is associated with heart disease, saturated fat causes heart disease! Case closed.

In practice however, this isn’t necessarily the case. In fact, people admitted to the hospital for heart disease tend to have normal or even low levels of LDL cholesterol. [ref] So why do these people with low LDL still get heart disease?

A theory as to why this might occur is that LDL levels drop in people who recently had a heart attack. Yet, I haven’t found evidence to support this claim.

What Makes LDL Go Up?

Logically, if you’re eating more fat, your body has to process more fat. Especially in the case of a low-carb diet, the cells of your body become more reliant on fat – as opposed to carbohydrates – as a source of fuel. To feed these hungry cells, LDL is sent off with its fatty cargo around the body to supply cells with nutrients and energy. LDL then returns to the liver where it is removed from circulation, recycled and ready to deliver more cargo when needed.

Although LDL may go up in the case of a low-carb diet, this isn’t the only factor that can increase LDL. Probably the most common reason for elevated LDL outside of the context of a low-carb/high-fat diet is damage to the LDL. If LDL is damaged, it can no longer do its job and isn’t even recognized by liver anymore (so isn’t taken out of circulation by the liver). This damaged LDL accumulates in the blood, while the body produces even more LDL to make up for the damaged LDL. Hence, higher LDL.

Other than saturated fat intake, LDL can go up due to :

  • Low HDL,
  • Inflammation,
  • Stress, [ref] [ref]
  • Diabetes,
  • Smoking,
  • Alcohol,
  • Obesity,
  • A Sedentary Lifestyle, and
  • Trans Fats [ref].

It’s much more likely – in studies showing a positive correlation between LDL and heart disease – that LDL is elevated not in the context of a high-fat/low-carb diet, but because of other lifestyle factors. Why would context matter?

Why can’t we assume that everyone with elevated LDL has a similar risk for heart disease?

Context Is Crucial to Consider

It’s common in the field of research to translate findings from a small group of people to the entire population. It’s often done for practical and financial reasons, since it would be much more difficult and expensive to study every single person in a given population and to consider all potential variables. Is this really representative of the entire population?

Take the sleeping pill "Ambien" for example. There were many cases of women who had taken the drug and crashed their car the following morning. "The problem wasn’t entirely the drug itself, but the dosage. … It turns out that women metabolize the active ingredient in Ambien twice as slowly as men." Meaning that the drug was still in their system the following morning, whereas in men it had worn off by then. The reason for this discrepancy is that "the clinical trials on Ambien focused on male test subjects."

"If they’re using this hypothetical, average man and they’re basing dosage on it, that’s kind of scary. Not just because it doesn’t apply to women, but because it also doesn’t apply to a lot of men either", Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Center for Health Research states. "Data from women is often mixed in with data from men, which can hide sex specific reactions to medicine." Zuckerman also mentions that "The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) [is] making the decisions about what medications are being sold … and they are not required to include women, people of color, people over 65." The reason why certain demographics are excluded from studies is because "the more people you study, the more it costs to do the research." [ref]

Context is crucially important to consider when conducting research. To my knowledge, there has not been a quality study that has been conducted that demonstrates that high LDL – in the specific context of a low-carb/high-fat diet – increases your risk for heart disease. In this demographic, elevated LDL may not have the same effect on heart disease risk as those in the general population.

LDL Results Aren’t That Accurate

On a standard blood test, LDL is measured by its volume in the blood – referred to as LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein concentration). In fact, LDL itself isn’t even measured, but calculated using other lipid markers using the following equation.

  • LDL-C = (Total Cholesterol) - (HDL) - (Triglycerides / 2.17) mmol/L [ref]

Imagine that we each have a jar filled with marbles. In this example, marbles represent LDL. The fuller your jar is, the higher your LDL-C is. But this metric tells us very little about the contents of the jar. How many marbles are in each jar? Are the marbles big or small? Are the marbles smooth or bumpy? Using this analogy, your jar could be less full, but have more marbles in it since most of them are small. And what if small marbles were less desirable than larger marbles? In this example, you could actually have more, undesirable marbles than I do, even though my jar is fuller.

In the same order of ideas, there are in fact 2 types of LDL : Pattern A (also described as "large, buoyant" LDL) and Pattern B (also described as "small, dense" LDL).

Standard blood tests aren’t able to distinguish Pattern A or Pattern B particles. So, in theory, you could have the same LDL-C score as someone else but have wildly different amounts or patterns of LDL particles. [ref]

Good and Bad LDL

The reason why people with relatively low LDL-C may still develop heart disease might be due to their LDL Pattern. Pattern B LDL seems to be much better associated with heart disease than Pattern A LDL. [ref] [ref] [ref] [ref] Meaning that even if you have relatively low LDL-C, the majority of your LDL could potentially be Pattern B LDL, increasing you risk for heart disease.

The difference between Pattern A and Pattern B LDL can be measured by their size (by a few nanometers only). More importantly though, Pattern A LDL consists of normal, healthy LDL particles whereas Pattern B LDL consists of abnormal, damaged LDL particles.

Many factors can damage LDL and increase levels of Pattern B LDL :

What about saturated fat? Although saturated fat does increase levels of LDL-C, studies show that most of this LDL is Pattern A – posing less of a risk for heart disease. [ref] [ref]

As Dr. Paul Mason explains, "Saturated fat makes LDL high, but sugar makes LDL bad".

Alternative Hypotheses

The exact pathology of how and why LDL accumulates in the arterial walls is still not fully understood, but there are a few hypotheses.

One hypothesis suggests that the endothelium – the protective lining of the arterial wall – becomes eroded due to high blood sugars and/or Pattern B LDL. The exposed arterial wall then becomes inflamed and damaged. LDL brings cholesterol to the damaged artery and "patches" the damaged area to allow it to heal – similar to a scab on a wound. In this scenario, blaming the cholesterol "patch" for heart disease is akin to blaming the scab for the cut, the blister for the burn, or the fireman for the fire. They’re always present at the scene of the crime, so its easy to lay the blame on them.

Another hypothesis suggests that because Pattern B LDL cannot be removed from the circulation by the liver (because it’s damaged and is no longer recognized by the liver), macrophages within the arterial wall "consume" these damaged particles which then build-up over time in the arterial wall.

Pattern B LDL may not even have a direct role in the progression of atherosclerosis. It could simply be a marker for cardiovascular ill-health. Again, the exact pathology isn’t fully understood, but taking into consideration Pattern A and Pattern B LDL in the progression of heart disease may better explain some of the logical fallacies and inconsistencies currently present in the traditional Lipid Heart Hypothesis.

Better Markers for Heart Disease Risk

So rather than relying on LDL-C, what metrics can be used to better predict heart disease?

A factionary test can determine if your LDL is mostly Pattern A or Pattern B. Another quality test to identify risk of heart disease is the Coronary Artery Calcium score (CAC). [ref] [ref] [ref] This test visually identifies plaque progression in the arterial walls. No guessing needed – the fewer plaque growth in the arteries, the better. Although there has not been any large study specifically looking at CAC scores among those following a low-carb/high-fat diet, there are a few cases of long term adherers of an animal-based diet that show a perfect score of 0. [ref] [ref]

These aren’t very common tests and could be expensive or unavailable. However, two standard blood test results – triglycerides and HDL – could give you a good idea of your level of Pattern B LDL. Low levels of HDL and high levels of triglycerides are shown to be inversely associated with levels of Pattern B LDL. [ref]

So to summarize, if you are following a low-carb diet, are metabolically healthy, have high levels of HDL, low levels of triglycerides, and limit lifestyle factors that increases your Pattern B LDL, it’s unlikely that you will develop heart disease any time soon – even if your LDL high.

*This article is not meant to be medical advice.

- Anthony Grisé

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The Research


Before you get lost in the confusing world of nutrition and health research, I suggest that take a moment to read the preface. It will give you a basic understanding of the various hierarchies of research quality, good science vs. bad science, and some basic terminology relevant to the field of nutrition and health research.

Scientific studies are often withheld from the public due to paywalls. You can often only read the abstract (summary) of the study. There is, however, a way to bypass these restrictions. Sci-Hub is a shadow library that allows people to freely access blocked studies.

Good Science vs. Bad Science

"Surely health agencies base their guidelines on research?" Yes, but usually with weak epidemiological (observational) research. You see, not all research is qualitatively equivalent in their findings. By using weak evidence, such as observational data, two factors, such as saturated fat and heart disease, can appear to be correlated. However, correlation does NOT mean causation.

spurious correlations chart

Take for example this chart. It compares the divorce rates in Maine with per capita consumption of margarine. Based on this data, it’s easy to think that eating less margarine leads to fewer divorces. In reality, these two factors aren’t related at all. They are simply coincidentally matching – or correlated.

Unfortunately, much of nutritional research is observational, which muddies the field of nutritional science with conflicting, confusing and opposing conclusions. In one paper, egg consumption leads to diabetes, and in another it helps prevent it. It’s quite hard to know what to believe and what to toss aside.

So which studies can be trusted? The accuracy and reliability of a study depends on its type and design. Fortunately, there are types of research that are of a much higher quality and more telling if there is a true relationship between 2 factors. A pyramid of evidence illustrates the different levels of evidence quality.

pyramid of evidence

In order from most to least reliable :

Systematic Review : a comprehensive summary of high-quality studies examining a given topic.

Meta-Analysis : a type of systematic review where results from available high-quality studies are statistically combined to compute a net overall effect.

Randomized Controlled Trial : Participants are randomly assigned to receive a given exposure (such as a new drug or therapy) and then followed to examine the effects of the exposure on outcomes.

Cohort : One or more population groups (called cohorts) are classified according to their level of exposure to a given agent/risk factor and followed over time to determine if this exposure is related to the occurrence of a disease or outcome of interest.

Case Control : Compares individuals who have a disease or outcome of interest (cases) with those who do not (controls). Researchers look retrospectively to evaluate how frequently exposure to a risk factor/agent is present in each group to identify the relationship between the risk factor and the disease or outcome of interest.

Cross-Sectional : Observes the relationship between a characteristic/risk factor (the exposure) and the prevalence of the disease or outcome of interest in a specific population at a single point in time.

sources : &

Abbreviations & Definitions

Here’s a helpful list of common medical and nutrition related terms and abbreviations. (You know, for those who aren’t health nerds.)

  • HR, OR, RR : Hazard Ratio, Odds Ratio, Risk Ratio – the result of an intervention relative to the control group. (e.g., as compared to the control group, the intervention group had 2.5 times more cancer. [RR: 2.5]).
  • Iso-Caloric / Iso-Energetic – same number of calories.
  • PUFA : Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid – found mostly in "heart healthy" seed (vegetable) oils.
  • CVD : Cardiovascular Disease – includes all heart and blood vessel diseases.
  • CHD : Coronary Heart Disease – disease of plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart.
  • Myocardial Infarction – the medical term for a heart attack.
  • T2D : Type 2 Diabetes – disease of insulin resistance and elevated blood sugars.
  • MetS : Metabolic Syndrome – a cluster of metabolic abnormalities, caused primarily by visceral fat and insulin resistance.
  • Insulin – fat storing & blood sugar regulating anabolic hormone.
  • Hyperinsulinemia – elevated blood insulin levels.
  • Insulin Resistance – cells become less sensitive to the effects of insulin, so more insulin is required to regulate blood sugar (resulting in hyperinsulinemia).
  • BMI : Body Mass Index – an approximation of body fat based on weight and height.
  • Adipose Tissue – cells that hold and store fat.
  • Subcutaneous Fat – body fat stored under the skin.
  • Visceral Fat – body fat stored within the abdomen and surrounding the internal organs.
  • Hepatic Fat – fat stored within the liver.
  • Blood Lipids / Serum Cholesterol – fat in the blood (i.e., LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Triglycerides...).
  • HbA1c – a measure of average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months.

Last updated : 2022 / 01 / 15

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Health Guidelines : Brought To You By...

Category Results :


  • The food industry – notably the sugar industry – have financially supported and shaped our dietary guidelines for decades.
  • They vilified dietary fat, caloric intake and sodium consumption in order to direct the attention away from refined carbohydrates (sugar & grains).
  • Trusted health authorities and nutrition organizations often have undisclosed & direct financial ties to the food and/or pharmaceutical industry.
  • Funding from the food industry greatly influences the outcomes of a scientific study, and are often manipulated to show a beneficial effect in their favour.

How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat

  • "Many of today’s dietary recommendations, may have been largely shaped by the sugar industry."
  • "The Sugar Association paid three Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to publish a 1967 review of research on sugar, fat and heart disease."
  • "[They] minimized the link between sugar and heart health and cast aspersions on the role of saturated fat."
  • "One of the scientists ... Dr. Mark Hegsted ... went on to become the head of nutrition at the United States Department of Agriculture."
  • "Dr. Fredrick J. Stare [became] the chairman of Harvard’s nutrition department."

Soda Companies Fund 96 Health Groups In the U.S.

  • "Several prominent public health groups (including some that are government-run) have accepted money from soda companies."
  • "Groups accepting sponsorships included :
    • The American Diabetes Association,
    • The National Institutes of Health,
    • The American Red Cross,
    • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
    • and many more."

Sponsors of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Abbott (Medical devices and health care company)
  • Aramark (An American food service)
  • Big G Cereal (General Mills)
  • California Strawberry Commission
  • Campbell Soup Company
  • Danone North America
  • Gelesis (Biotechnology company)
  • GSK (Medical supplies and Pharmaceuticals)
  • LaCroix Sparkling Water
  • Mead Johnson (Infant formula)
  • National Honey Board
  • Orgain (Drinks and meal replacements)
  • PepsiCo
  • Premier Protein
  • Simple Mills
  • Splenda Sweeteners
  • Sunsweet

Lesson for the Next Dietary Guidelines Committee: We Need A Diversity of Opinion

  • "A large majority [of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines advisory committee] (11 out of 14, or nearly 80%) had consistently published work in favour of plant-based, low-animal-fat, vegetarian diets, and that many had built their careers promoting these types of diets."
  • Lists conflicts of interest from all 14 committee members.

Report: Partnership for an unhealthy planet

  • "75% of the individuals involved in formulating the U.S. government’s official dietary guidance have food industry ties."
  • "55% have ties to ILSI – [an] industry-sponsored 'non-profit, worldwide organization whose mission is to provide science that improves human health and well-being and safeguards the environment.'"
  • "[ILSI] is funded by Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, McDonald’s, General Mills, Cargill, Monsanto, the National Dairy Council, the International Tree Nut Council and a host of other global purveyors of junk food and drink."

Financial ties between leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry: cross sectional study

  • "328 leaders, such as board members, of 10 professional medical associations [were evaluated]."
  • "[Among others, the] American College of Cardiology, Orthopaedic Trauma Association, American Psychiatric Association."
  • "235 of 328 leaders (72%) had financial ties to industry."
  • "235 (80%) [of medical doctors] had ties."

Relationship between Funding Source and Conclusion among Nutrition-Related Scientific Articles

  • "206 articles were included in the study, of which 111 declared financial sponsorship."
  • "For interventional studies, the proportion with unfavorable conclusions was 0% for all industry funding versus 37% for no industry funding."
  • "Articles with all industry funding to no industry funding [were over 7 times more likely to show a favourable outcome]."

Do Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Cause Obesity and Diabetes? Industry and the Manufacture of Scientific Controversy

  • "We identified 60 studies ... that examined the effects of SSB (Sugar-Sweetened Beverages) consumption on obesity and diabetes-related outcomes."
  • "26/26 negative studies (100%) had funding ties to this industry."
  • "Only 1/34 positive studies (2.9%) had such ties."

Are the National Academies Fair and Balanced?

  • "Nearly 1/5 scientists appointed to an NAS panel has direct financial ties to companies or industry groups with a direct stake in the outcome of the study."
  • "About ½ of the panels examined had some scientists with readily identifiable biases ... few of those conflicts of interest were disclosed to the public."

Is everything we eat associated with cancer?

  • Compares observational studies in which certain food items are shown to increase AND decrease your risk of getting cancer.
  • "Associations with cancer risk or benefits have been claimed for most food ingredients. Many single studies highlight implausibly large effects, even though evidence is weak."

US Dietary Guidelines 2010-2015 (.pdf)

  • "The food patterns were developed to meet nutrient needs ... while not exceeding calorie requirements."
  • "They have NOT been specifically tested for health benefits." (p.50)

52 Low-Carb Studies The US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Says It Can’t Find

  • "The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) has only reviewed a small portion of the hundred or so rigorous clinical trials on low-carbohydrate diets."
  • "The committee could find no studies for "true" low-carb diets, with 25% of energy as carbs or less."
  • "In fact, [we have] identified 52 such studies."

Investigation: how Kellogg’s and Sanitarium infiltrated the medical profession

  • "It is said that if you educate one General Practitioner (GP), you educate all their patients. And nobody knows this better than the cereal industry."
  • "Kellogg’s openly admits it supports a series of education workshops for newly graduated dietitians."
  • "2,000 GPs across Australia requested the delivery of Kellogg’s sponsored information kits. The kits contain hundreds of factsheets authored by the company, often citing its own studies as evidence."

The Effect of Breakfast Type on Total Daily Energy Intake and Body Mass Index: Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)

  • "Eating cereal ... or quick breads for breakfast is associated with significantly lower body mass index."
  • Written by Sungsoo Cho & Celeste A. Clark, from Kellogg-USA.

Evidence of health benefits of canola oil

  • "Canola oil can now be regarded as one of the healthiest edible vegetable oils [because of] its ability to aid in reducing disease-related risk factors and improving health."
  • Funded by the Canola Council of Canada and the U.S. Canola Association.

A "Healthy Diet" Is Doing More Harm Than Good

Category Results :


  • Most health organisations around the world promote a low-fat, low sodium, "healthy carbohydrate", plant-based diet.
  • Despite this, over ½ of Americans have a chronic disease, over 1/3 are insulin resistant and less than 1/8 are metabolically healthy.
  • Although total caloric intake has increased in the past 50 years, this is exclusively due to an increase in carbohydrate consumption – calories from protein and fat have remained almost unchanged in the past 50 years.
  • Over ½ of Americans’ calories come from processed, plant-based "foods".
  • Less than 17% of their calories come from meat.

A Look at Calorie Sources in the American Diet (USDA)

  • "70% of Americans' calories [come] from plant-based foods."
  • Over 60% of Americans’ calories come from processed foods.
  • "Grains were the primary contributor to daily calories [and] plant-based fats and oils ... ranked second."
  • "The proportion of calories from meat, poultry, and fish [was only] 17 percent of total calories."

How America’s diet has changed over the decades

  • Since 1970, Americans consume :
    • − Potatoes
    • + Corn Sweeteners
    • − Eggs
    • + Cooking Oils
    • − Beef
    • + Chicken
    • − Milk
    • + Cheese
  • Data from the USDA’s Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System.

Trends in Intake of Energy and Macronutrients – United States, 1971-2000

  • A 2004 report from the CDC.
  • "[Through] 1971–2000, mean energy intake in [calories] increased."
  • "The increased energy intake was caused primarily by higher carbohydrate intake, [not from eating more fat or protein.]"

Chronic Diseases in America (CDC)

  • More than ½ (60%) of Americans have a chronic disease.
  • "6 in 10 adults in the US have a chronic disease."
  • "[Chronic diseases are] the Leading Drivers of the Nation’s $3.5 Trillion in Annual Health Care Costs."

Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults

  • "The proportion of metabolically healthy Americans [is only] 12.2%."
  • "Less than ⅓ of normal weight adults were metabolically healthy."
  • Metabolic health was defined as :
    • Waist circumference < 102/88 cm for men/women,
    • HbA1c (blood sugar) < 5.7%,
    • Blood pressure < 120/80 mmHg,
    • Triglycerides < 150 mg/dL,
    • HDL Cholesterol > 40/50 mg/dL for men/women, and
    • Not taking any related medication.

How Healthy are Canadians? (Government of Canada)

  • "Canada ranks amongst the worst [country] for adult obesity rates (25.8%)."
  • "1/5 Canadian adults live with one of the following chronic diseases: CVD, cancer, CRD or diabetes."
  • "Major chronic diseases ... are the cause of 65% of all deaths in Canada each year."

National Diabetes Statistics Report (CDC)

  • Almost ½ (45%) of Americans have diabetes or prediabetes.
  • "34.2 million [Americans] have diabetes (10.5% of the US population) [&] 88 million adults ... have prediabetes (34.5% of the adult US population)."
  • "Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% to 95% of all [cases]."

Trends in Hyperinsulinemia Among Nondiabetic Adults in the U.S.

  • "Fasting insulin increased by ∼5% from 1988–1994 to 1999–2002 among nondiabetic adults."
  • "The prevalence of hyperinsulinemia increased by 35.1% overall (38.3% among men and 32.1% among women)."

Early-Onset Dementia and Alzheimer's Rates Grow for Younger American Adults

  • "In 2017, about 131,000 ... Americans between the ages of 30 and 64 were diagnosed with [early-onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease]."
  • "The diagnosis rate of early-onset dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is increasing, especially in younger age groups." [2013 vs. 2017] :
    • +373% for age 30 – 44;
    • +311% for age 45 – 54;
    • +143% for ages 55 – 64.

Canada's Dietary Guidelines 2019 (.pdf)

  • "Vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and [plant-based] protein foods should be consumed regularly." (p.9)
  • "While many animal-based foods are nutritious, [we] emphasize more plant-based foods." (p.10)
  • "Traditional foods [such as land mammals, sea mammals, fish, shellfish and birds] improve diet quality among indigenous peoples." (p.14)
  • "Sodium is an essential nutrient, [however, should be limited to] less than 2300mg per day (ages 14 and older)." (p.23)

Heart and Stroke Canada

  • "You need a small amount of fat in your diet for healthy functioning."
  • "[We recommend] eating plant-based foods more often [since they] provide more fiber and less saturated fat."

Diabetes Canada

  • "Eat healthy carbohydrates."
  • "All carbohydrates affect your blood sugar, [but] the type and amount of carbohydrate you eat is what matters."

Canadian Cancer Society

  • "Canada’s Food Guide recommends that you eat a variety of healthy foods each day."
  • "When it comes to eating well, you can’t do any better than vegetables and fruit!"

Cardio & Calorie Counting : How Not To Lose Weight

Category Results :


  • Exercise and calorie restriction does NOT lead to substantial, long-term weight loss.
  • Despite increases in physical activity and adherence to the dietary guidelines, obesity continues to rise – even among Canadian Forces.
  • Obesity is a hormonal issue, in which the body has trouble releasing and utilizing its fat stores for energy – it is NOT (exclusively) a caloric imbalance.

A Reorientation on Obesity (1953)

  • "Those who sought the answer the the problem of obesity ... led them to view that some defect of carbohydrate metabolism was involved."
  • "The type of treatment of obesity to which these considerations logically lead is that of a diet in which carbohydrate, alone, is restricted and protein and fat are allowed ad-libitum."
  • "In most cases, the addition of carbohydrate, not exceeding 60g a day, has been found compatible with effective weight loss."
  • "Unless low-calorie diets are ketogenic, it seems, they cannot operate by increasing the use of fat by the organism but only by decreasing the formation of new fat."

Medicare's search for effective obesity treatments: Diets are not the answer

  • "The authors review studies of the long-term outcomes of calorie-restricting diets to assess whether dieting is an effective treatment for obesity."
  • "⅓ to ⅔ of dieters regain more weight than they lost on their diets."
  • "There is little support for the notion that [calorie-restricting] diets lead to lasting weight loss or health benefits."

Pathways: a school-based, randomized controlled trial for the prevention of obesity in American Indian schoolchildren

  • "1704 children in 41 schools ... over 3 consecutive years, from 3rd to 5th grades."
  • "The intervention [implemented a] change in dietary intake [and an] increase in physical activity."
  • "A significant reduction in [dietary] fat was observed in the intervention schools."
  • "The intervention resulted in no significant reduction in percentage body fat."

Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women

  • "12‐month randomized, controlled clinical trial testing exercise effect on weight and body composition in men and women."
  • "60 min/day, 6 days/week vs. controls (no intervention)."
  • "The mean weight loss [over the ENTIRE year] ... was modest. (1.4‐kg decrease in female exercisers vs. 0.7‐kg gain in female controls, 1.8‐kg decrease in male exercisers vs. 0.1‐kg decrease in male controls)"

Prevalence of physical activity and obesity in US counties, 2001–2011

  • "Our results showed an increase in the prevalence of sufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2009."
  • "This increase in level of activity was matched by an increase in obesity in almost all counties during the same time period."
  • "Increased physical activity alone has a small impact on obesity prevalence."

Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Adults: United States, 2017–2018 (CDC)

  • More than ½ (51.6%) of Americans are obese.
  • "From 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity (BMI > 30) increased from 30.5% to 42.4%."
  • "Severe obesity (BMI > 40) increased from 4.7% to 9.2%."

Report suggests three-quarters of Canadian Forces personnel are overweight, obese

  • "A full 83.3% of Regular Force personnel reported that their eating habits were good, very good, or excellent."
  • "[Yet,] 49% of personnel were classified as overweight and another 25% were classified as obese."

The Key To Health : Cut The Carbs

Category Results :


  • Carbohydrate restriction improves overall health independent of weight loss.
  • Limiting carbohydrate consumption to lose weight and improve health has been known for over 150 years.
  • A low-carb diet works better for treating and improving diabetes than the American Diabetes Association recommended diet.
  • The CEO of the American Diabetes Association, Tracy Brown, has adopted a low-carb diet and successfully manages her own type 2 diabetes. She has come off all her insulin and three other medications as a result.
  • A low-carb diet and/or fasting is more effective than a low-fat diet for :
    • Weight loss,
    • Improving markers of heart disease,
    • Decreasing visceral fat,
    • Improving blood sugar,
    • Improving blood lipids,
    • Improving insulin sensitivity,
    • Improving cognitive impairment, and
    • Reversing metabolic syndrome.

Letter On Corpulance, Addresses to the Public, By William Banting - 1864 (.pdf)

  • "My obesity was not through neglect of necessary bodily activity, nor from excessive eating, drinking, or self-indulgence."
  • "I partook of the simple aliments of bread, milk, butter, beer, sugar, and potatoes more freely than my aged nature required."
  • "I consulted an eminent surgeon ... who recommended increased bodily exertion before my ordinary daily labours began."
  • "It is true I gained muscular vigor, but with it a prodigious appetite, which I was compelled to indulge."
  • "My kind old friend advised me [to] abstain as much as possible [from]: bread, butter, milk, sugar, beer, and potatoes, which had been the main (and, I thought innocent) elements of my existence."
  • "I can conscientiously assert I never lived so well as under the new plan of dietary. I am very much better, bodily and mentally, and pleased to believe that I hold the reins of health and comfort in my own hands."

Randomised Controlled Trials Comparing Low-Carb Diets Of Less Than 130g Carbohydrate Per Day To Low-Fat Diets Of Less Than 35% Fat Of Total Calories

  • A collection of 67 randomized controlled trials on weight loss from dietary intervention.
  • 58 / 67 (86%) of studies show that low-carb diets are more effective than low-fat diets for weight loss.

Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of low‐carbohydrate vs. low‐fat/low‐calorie diets in the management of obesity and its comorbidities

  • "[Analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials that] lasted at least 6 months."
  • "There was a higher [drop out] rate in the low‐fat compared with the low‐carbohydrate groups suggesting a patient preference for a low‐carbohydrate/high‐protein approach."
  • "Low‐carbohydrate/high‐protein diets are more effective at 6 months and are as effective, if not more, as low‐fat diets in reducing weight and cardiovascular disease risk up to 1 year."

Impact of a Ketogenic Diet on Metabolic Parameters in Patients with Obesity or Overweight and with or without Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

  • "14 studies were included in the meta-analysis [with] a total of 734 participants with overweight or obesity, including 444 diabetic patients."
  • "Ketogenic diets were more effective in improving metabolic parameters [and] lipid controls in patients with overweight or obesity, especially those with preexisting diabetes, as compared to low-fat diets."

Systematic review and meta‐analysis of clinical trials of the effects of low carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors

  • "[A low-carb diet] was shown to have favourable effects on body weight and major cardiovascular risk factors."
  • "In 1,141 obese patients ... the [low-carb diet] was associated with significant decreases in :
    • Body weight (−7.04kg),
    • BMI (−2.09kg/m²),
    • Abdominal circumference (−5.74cm),
    • Systolic blood pressure (−4.81mmHg),
    • Diastolic blood pressure (−3.10mmHg),
    • Plasma triglycerides (−29.71mg/dL),
    • Fasting plasma glucose (−1.05mg/dL),
    • HbA1c (−0.21%),
    • Plasma insulin (−2.24μIU/mL),
    • Plasma C‐reactive protein,
    • As well as an increase in HDL cholesterol (+1.73mg/dL)."
  • "LDL cholesterol ... did not change significantly."

To Keto or Not to Keto? A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Assessing the Effects of Ketogenic Therapy on Alzheimer Disease

  • "10 RCTs were identified."
  • "Long-term ketogenic therapy improved episodic and secondary memory."
  • "Ketogenic therapy appears promising in improving both acute and long-term cognition among patients with Alzheimer disease / mild cognitive impairment."

A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie-restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women

  • "132 severely obese subjects [with a] a high prevalence of diabetes (39%) or the metabolic syndrome (43%) [were randomized] to a [low-carb] or a [calorie restricted, low-fat] diet [for a] six-month study."
  • "Subjects on the low-carbohydrate diet lost more weight (5.8kg) than those on the low-fat diet (1.9kg)."
  • "Insulin sensitivity [and triglyceride levels] also improved more among subjects on the low-carbohydrate diet."

Carbohydrate Restriction has a More Favorable Impact on the Metabolic Syndrome than a Low Fat Diet

  • "12‐week study comparing ... a carbohydrate‐restricted diet (12% carbs) and a low‐fat diet in 40 subjects."
  • "Subjects following the [low-carb diet] had consistently reduced :
    • Glucose (−12%),
    • Insulin concentrations (−50%),
    • Insulin sensitivity (−55%),
    • Weight loss (−10%),
    • [Fat loss] (−14%),
    • [Triglycerides] (−51%), and
    • Total cholesterol/HDL‐C ratio (−14%).
    • HDL‐C [increased] (+13%)."
  • "Dietary carbohydrate restriction [is] an effective approach to improve features of [metabolic syndrome] and cardiovascular risk."

Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN Diets for Change in Weight and Related Risk Factors Among Overweight Premenopausal Women, The A TO Z Weight Loss Study: A Randomized Trial

  • "[A 1 year] randomized trial ... among 311 free-living, overweight/obese ... premenopausal women."
  • "Weight loss was greater for women in the Atkins diet group (−4.7kg ) [than] Zone (−1.6kg), LEARN (−2.6kg) and Ornish, (−2.2kg)."
  • "Atkins diet, which had the lowest carbohydrate intake, lost more weight and experienced more favorable overall metabolic effects."

Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial

  • "164 adults aged 18-65 years with a body mass index of 25 or more."
  • "Randomly assigned to one of three test diets according to carbohydrate content (high, 60%; moderate, 40%; or low, 20%) for 20 weeks."
  • "Lowering dietary carbohydrate increased energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance. This metabolic effect may improve the success of obesity treatment, especially among those with high insulin secretion."

Long-term effects of a ketogenic diet in obese patients

  • "83 obese patients [followed a] 24-week ketogenic diet [of 30g carbohydrate/day]."
  • "[The intervention] significantly reduced :
    • Body weight,
    • BMI,
    • Triglycerides,
    • LDL cholesterol and
    • Blood glucose, and
    • Increased ... HDL cholesterol."
  • "Administering a ketogenic diet for a relatively longer period of time did not produce any significant side effects in the patients."

Dietary carbohydrate restriction improves metabolic syndrome independent of weight loss

  • "[16 obese participants] with a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome (MetS) were fed three 4-week weight-maintenance diets that were low (6% energy), moderate (32% energy), and high (57% energy) in carbohydrate."
  • "All food was weighed to the nearest 0.1 g and provided to participants to avoid errors in quantifying nutrient intake observed in free-living studies."
  • "Despite containing 2.5 times more saturated fat than the high-carbohydrate diet, a low-carbohydrate (LC) diet decreased plasma total saturated fat."
  • "Despite maintaining body mass, LC intake enhanced fat [burning] and was more effective in reversing MetS."

Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects

  • "Periodic fasting lasting from 4 to 21 days is safe and well tolerated."
  • "[It improved] emotional and physical well-being and ... relevant cardiovascular and general risk factors."
  • "Among the 404 subjects with pre-existing health-complaints, 341 (84.4%) reported an improvement."

Effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on glycemic control in outpatients with severe type 2 diabetes

  • "33 outpatients ... with HbA1c levels of 9.0% or above were instructed to follow a low-carbohydrate diet (30% carbohydrate) for 6 months."
  • "A remarkable reduction in HbA1c levels, even among outpatients with severe type 2 diabetes, without any insulin therapy."

A Randomized Pilot Trial of a Moderate Carbohydrate Diet Compared to a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet in Overweight or Obese Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Prediabetes

  • "Randomized [34] participants to either [an] American Diabetes Association [recommended diet] or a very low carbohydrate [under 50g carbs/day], high fat, non calorie-restricted diet [for] 3 months."
  • "44% of the [very low carbohydrate] group discontinued one or more diabetes medications."
  • "[A very low carbohydrate diet improves blood sugars] in type 2 diabetes while allowing decreases in diabetes medications."

A carbohydrate-reduced high-protein diet improves HbA1c and liver fat content in weight stable participants with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial

  • "We compared a [low-carb] high-protein diet with an iso-energetic conventional diabetes diet."
  • "[28 participants over] 6 weeks of full food provision."
  • "Substituting carbohydrates with protein and fat for 6 weeks reduced HbA1c and hepatic fat content in weight stable individuals with type 2 diabetes."

Effect on body composition and other parameters in obese young men of carbohydrate level of reduction diet

  • "Three isocaloric, isoprotein diet subgroups, which varied as to level of carbohydrate in the diet. [104g, 60g & 30g carbohydrate/day]."
  • "Weight loss, fat loss, and percent weight loss as fat appeared to be inversely related to the level of carbohydrate."

Glucose, Insulin, and Triglyceride Responses to High and Low Carbohydrate Diets in Man

  • "2 diets were used, each contained 15% of calories from protein. One diet was high in fat (68% of calories), and the other was high in carbohydrate (85% of calories)."
  • "Body weight was closely maintained to within +- 0.5 kg during each dietary period."
  • Triglycerides levels during the high-fat period (305mg/100ml) more than doubled during the high-carbohydrate period (624mg/100ml).

Alternate day fasting for weight loss in normal weight and overweight subjects: a randomized controlled trial

  • "32 subjects (BMI 20–29.9 kg/m2) were randomized to either an Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) group or a control group for 12 weeks."
    • "Body weight decreased by 5.2kg,
    • Fat mass was reduced by 3.6kg, [and]
    • LDL [and] HDL cholesterol ... remained unchanged after 12 weeks of treatment."
  • "ADF is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in normal weight and overweight adults."

Don’t Worry, Eating Fat Won’t Give You A Heart Attack

Category Results :


  • Physiologist Ancel Keys came up with the "Diet Heart Hypothesis", claiming that dietary fat caused heart disease. He insisted it to be true, and managed to get the American Heart Association to publicly endorse the idea – despite it being based on weak, inconclusive proof.
  • Many large, well controlled studies disprove the Diet Heart Hypothesis – they show NO association or an INVERSE association between saturated fat & total fat consumption and heart disease, type 2 diabetes or mortality.
  • "Heart healthy" seed (vegetable) oil consumption does NOT reduce heart disease – it may even increase deaths from heart disease and overall mortality.

Big fat controversy: changing opinions about saturated fats

  • "In 1970, well-known nutrition researcher Ancel Keys ... published his famous Seven Countries Study."
  • "His conclusion: Populations that ate large amounts of saturated fats in meat and dairy had more deaths from heart disease."
  • "A reanalysis of the Seven Countries Study conducted in 1999 concluded that sugar consumption correlated more strongly than saturated fat intake with heart disease deaths."
  • "[Keys] included only those countries that would confirm his hypothesis that saturated fat causes heart disease."
  • However, according to this study (.pdf) conducted a few years later, "The apparent association is greatly reduced when tested on all [22] countries for which data are available instead of the 6 countries used."

Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of cardiovascular disease: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial

  • A $700 million study, one of the largest and most expensive nutritional studies ever conducted.
  • "To test the hypothesis that a dietary intervention, intended to be low in fat and high in vegetables, fruits, and grains to reduce cancer, would reduce CVD risk."
  • "Randomized controlled trial of 48 835 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 years, of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities."
  • "Over a mean of 8.1 years, a dietary intervention that reduced total fat intake and increased intakes of vegetables, fruits, and grains did not significantly reduce the risk of CHD, stroke, or CVD."
  • In fact, it was shown that women who had a history of heart disease had a 26% increased risk of getting a heart attack from adopting the intervention diet.

Fat or fiction: the diet-heart hypothesis

  • An "Umbrella Review" of studies on fat intake and heart disease.
  • "We identified 28 [randomized controlled trials] lasting at least 1 year and reporting cardiovascular and/or mortality outcomes."
  • "Low-fat diets that reduce serum cholesterol do NOT reduce cardiovascular events or mortality."
  • "Diets that replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat do NOT convincingly reduce cardiovascular events or mortality."

Dietary saturated fat and heart disease: a narrative review

  • An "Umbrella Review" of studies on fat intake and heart disease.
  • "19 meta-analyses addressing this topic were identified: 9 observational studies and 10 randomized controlled trials."
  • "Meta-analyses of observational studies found no association between [saturated fat] intake and heart disease, while meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials were inconsistent but tended to show a lack of an association."

Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-based Recommendations: JACC State-of-the-Art Review

  • From the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
  • "Most recent meta-analyses of randomized trials and observational studies found no beneficial effects of reducing [saturated fat] intake on cardiovascular disease and total mortality."
  • "The totality of available evidence does not support further limiting the intake of [saturated fat]."

Reduced or modified dietary fat for preventing cardiovascular disease

  • A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials.
  • "Clinical trials of at least 6 months duration."
  • "There were no clear effects of dietary fat changes on total mortality (RR 0.98, 71 790 participants) or cardiovascular mortality (RR 0.94, 65 978 participants)."

Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (MCE) (1968-73)

  • "The MCE (1968-73) is a double blind randomized controlled trial designed to test whether replacement of saturated fat with vegetable oil ... reduces coronary heart disease and death by lowering serum cholesterol."
  • "9423 women and men aged 20-97."
  • "Compared the effects of a 39% fat control diet (18% saturated fat, 5% polyunsaturated fat, 16% monounsaturated fat, 446 mg dietary cholesterol per day) with a 38% fat treatment diet (9% saturated fat, 15% polyunsaturated fat, 14% monounsaturated fat, 166 mg dietary cholesterol per day)."
  • "Replacement of saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol."
  • "But does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes."

MRFIT Trial: Does high cholesterol cause heart disease?

  • "7 year [study] at a cost of $115 million."
  • "Out of 362,000 middle aged men, 12,000 had cholesterol higher than 290 mg/ml."
  • "The [intervention] group ... was counselled to eat :
    • a low-fat,
    • low-cholesterol diet,
    • drinking skim milk,
    • eating no more than two eggs a week,
    • using margarine instead of butter,
    • avoiding red meat and
    • all pastries and baked goods."
  • "The ... group who had been counselled to 'eat healthier', had more deaths."

Evidence from randomised controlled trials did not support the introduction of dietary fat guidelines in 1977 and 1983: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • "2467 males participated in 6 dietary trials."
  • "There were NO differences in all-cause mortality (RR 0.996, 370 deaths) and non-significant differences in CHD mortality, resulting from the dietary interventions."
  • "The reductions in mean serum cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the intervention groups; this did not result in significant differences in CHD or all-cause mortality."

Dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • "40 studies [with over 362 000 participants]."
  • "Dietary cholesterol ... increased ... total cholesterol, [LDL] cholesterol & [HDL] cholesterol."
  • "[However,] reviewed studies were heterogeneous and lacked the methodologic rigor to draw any conclusions regarding the effects of dietary cholesterol on CVD risk."

Dietary fatty acids in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression

  • "12 [randomized controlled trials lasting at least 1 year] enrolling 7150 participants were included."
  • "[There is] NO evidence for the beneficial effects of reduced/modified fat diets in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease."
  • "Replacing saturated fatty acids by polyunsaturated fatty acids showed NO significant benefit in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease."

Use of dietary linoleic acid for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and death: evaluation of recovered data from the Sydney Diet Heart Study and updated meta-analysis

  • "[A randomized controlled trial of] 458 men aged 30-59 years with a recent coronary event."
  • "Replacement of dietary saturated fats ... with omega-6 linoleic acid (from safflower oil)."
  • "Substituting [safflower oil] in place of saturated fats increased the rates of death from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease."

The effect of replacing saturated fat with mostly n-6 polyunsaturated fat on coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

  • "Evidence from adequately controlled randomized controlled trials suggest replacing [saturated fat] with mostly [polyunsaturated fat] is unlikely to reduce CHD events, CHD mortality or total mortality."

Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease

  • "5–23 y of follow-up of 347,747 subjects."
  • "Intake of saturated fat was not associated with an increased risk of CHD, stroke, or CVD."

Association of Dietary, Circulating, and Supplement Fatty Acids With Coronary Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

  • 72 unique studies with over 600,000 participants.
  • "Current evidence does not clearly support ... high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats [to promote cardiovascular health]."

Dietary Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Risk: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association

  • "A review of human studies on the relationship of dietary cholesterol with ... cardiovascular disease risk."
  • "Dietary cholesterol significantly increased total cholesterol, but the findings were not significant for the stronger predictor of CVD risk."

Corn Oil in Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Disease (1965)

  • "The serum-cholesterol levels fell in the corn-oil group."
  • "By the end of two years the proportions of patients remaining alive and free of reinfarction (fatal or non-fatal) were :
    • 75% [control],
    • 57% [olive oil + restricted animal fat], and
    • 52% [corn oil + restricted animal fat]."

Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (.pdf)

  • "Cholesterol is NOT a nutrient of concern for overconsumption."
  • "Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 milligrams per day."
  • "The 2015 DGAC will NOT bring forward this recommendation."

Formation of Modified Fatty Acids and Oxyphytosterols during Refining of Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil

  • "Formation of trans fatty acids ... was investigated during refining of ... rapeseed oil."
  • "Deodorization produced substantial quantities of trans fatty acids (>5% of total fatty acids)."

Cholesterol : Vital For Health & Longevity

Category Results :


  • Cholesterol is vital to good health – 80% of your daily requirements of cholesterol are manufactured by the body, the rest comes from diet.
  • Serum cholesterol levels have little to no association to heart disease – many heart disease patients have "good" cholesterol levels.
  • A number of studies show that people with the lowest serum cholesterol have :
    • More infections,
    • More heart disease,
    • More cancer,
    • More mental health issues,
    • Lower cognitive score, and
    • Increased mortality.
  • 3 additional articles on cholesterol and heart disease – [ref] [ref] [ref]

Low Levels of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Mortality Outcomes in Non-Statin Users

  • "347,971 subjects [with a] mean follow up of 5.64 years."
  • "The lowest [LDL cholesterol] group (< 70 mg/dL) had a [1.95 times] higher risk of all-cause mortality, [2.02 times higher risk of] CVD mortality, and [2.06 times higher risk of] cancer mortality compared to the reference group."

Lipid levels in patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease

  • "Lipid levels were documented in 136,905 [patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease]."
  • "Almost ½ had admission LDL levels <100 mg/dL (LOW LDL cholesterol)."
  • "More than ½ the patients have admission HDL levels <40 mg/dL (LOW HDL cholesterol)."
  • "<10% [of hospitalized patients had] HDL ≥60 mg/dL."

Cholesterol Levels and Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

  • "23 prospective studies were included, totalling 1 430 141 participants."
  • "Higher level of [LDL] cholesterol seems to be associated with lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke."

Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review

  • "30 cohorts with a total of 68 094 elderly people."
  • "Cardiovascular mortality was highest in the lowest LDL-C quartile and with statistical significance."
  • "High LDL-C is inversely associated with mortality in most people over 60 years."

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and the risk of cancer: a mendelian randomization study

  • "10 613 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study and 59 566 participants in the Copenhagen General Population Study – 6816 of whom had developed cancer."
  • "Low plasma LDL cholesterol levels were robustly associated with an increased risk of cancer [and] suggests that low LDL cholesterol levels per se do not cause cancer."

Serum Cholesterol Values in Patients Treated Surgically for Atherosclerosis

  • "1,700 patients with atherosclerotic disease (plaque in the arteries of the heart) revealed no definite correlation between ... cholesterol levels and the nature and extent of atherosclerotic disease disease."
  • "The majority of patients in this group had ... cholesterol values within the accepted normal range."

Cholesterol and all-cause mortality in elderly people from the Honolulu Heart Program: a cohort study

  • "3572 Japanese/American men (aged 71-93 years) [were followed] over 20 years."
  • "The group with low cholesterol concentration at both examinations had a significant association with mortality [1.64 times]."

Fibrinolytic parameters and insulin resistance in young survivors of myocardial infarction with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

  • "A characteristic feature of patients with ... familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the premature occurrence of [CAD] because of elevated LDL cholesterol levels."
  • "39 male patients with FH [were studied]."
  • "13 of the patients had suffered a myocardial infarction (heart attack) 5 to 8 years ago (average age 47.8 y) and 26 were free of coronary artery disease (average age 45.9 y)."
  • "There was NO difference in total and LDL cholesterol between the two groups."
  • "Patients with previous myocardial infarction had significantly higher levels of insulin, insulin resistance, triglycerides ... and significantly lower values of HDL cholesterol."

Low Total Cholesterol and Increased Risk of Dying: Are Low Levels Clinical Warning Signs in the Elderly? Results from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging

  • "4521 men and women aged 65–84."
  • "Subjects with low [total cholesterol] levels (<189 mg/dL) are at higher risk of dying even when many related factors have been taken into account."

Total cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old

  • "724 participants (median age 89 years) [followed] over 10 years."
  • "In people older than 85 years, high total cholesterol concentrations [⩾6·5 mmol/L] are associated with longevity owing to lower mortality from cancer and infection."

Serum cholesterol and cognitive functions: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

  • "1,043 men and women from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 Study, about age 70 years."
  • "Higher total cholesterol, higher HDL-C, and lower triglycerides were associated with higher age 70 cognitive scores."
  • "Statin users had lower general cognitive ability, processing speed, and verbal ability scores."

Measurement of total serum cholesterol in the evaluation of suicidal risk

  • "A total of 3207 subjects were included."
  • "Cholesterol level was significantly lower in suicide attempters than in non-attempters and controls for both genders."

Low cholesterol and violent crime

  • "79,777 subjects enrolled in a health screening project in Varmland, Sweden."
  • "Violent criminals had significantly lower cholesterol than others identical in age, sex, alcohol indices and education."

How To Better Predict Heart Disease

Category Results :


  • More than any other metric – including the "bad" LDL cholesterol – the Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score is by far the best predictor of heart disease.
  • Other important predictors for heart disease include :
    • Type 2 diabetes,
    • Metabolic syndrome,
    • Low HDL cholesterol,
    • High Triglycerides,
    • High Triglyceride to HDL ratio,
    • Small, dense / glycated / oxidized LDL particles.
  • 3 long-term carnivores – who consume large amounts of animal fat and saturated fat – had a perfect CAC score of 0 – [ref] [ref] [ref]

Screening for Ischemic Heart Disease with Cardiac CT: Current Recommendations

  • "[The CAC score] has been shown to be the strongest predictor of adverse future cardiovascular (CV) events."
  • "CAC consistently outperforms traditional risk factors, including models such as Framingham risk to predict future CV events."
  • "CAC [score of 0] presents a very unique situation which is associated with very low-risk status for the individual (10-year event rate of ~1%)."
  • "A [CAC] progression rate of >15% per year is associated with a 17-fold increased risk for incident [CV] events."

Interplay of Coronary Artery Calcification and Traditional Risk Factors for the Prediction of All-Cause Mortality in Asymptomatic Individuals

  • "44 052 ... individuals free of known ... heart disease ... were followed for a mean of 5.6 years."
  • "CAC scores were associated with 3.00 to 13.38-fold higher mortality risk."
  • "Individuals without [traditional heart disease risk factors] but elevated CAC have a substantially higher event rates than those who have multiple [risk factors] but no CAC."
  • "The annualized mortality rate, [deaths per 1000 person-years] was" :
    • 0.87 [CAC of 0],
    • 2.97 [CAC 1 to 100],
    • 6.90 [CAC 101 to 400],
    • 17.68 [CAC over 400].

Coronary Calcium as a Predictor of Coronary Events in Four Racial or Ethnic Groups

  • "6722 men and women ... were followed for a median of 3.8 years."
  • "In comparison with participants with no coronary calcium ... risk of a coronary event was increased by a factor of 7.73 among participants with coronary calcium scores between 101 and 300 and by a factor of 9.67 among participants with scores above 300."
  • "The coronary calcium score is a strong predictor of incident coronary heart disease."

Coronary Calcification, Coronary Disease Risk Factors, C-Reactive Protein, and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Events

  • "4,903 asymptomatic persons age 50 to 70 years."
  • "For coronary calcium score threshold ≥100 versus <100, relative risk was :
    • 9.6 for all ASCVD events,
    • 11.1 for all CAD events, and
    • 9.2 for non-fatal myocardial infarction (heart attack) and death."
  • "Coronary calcium score predicts CAD events independent of standard risk factors [and] more accurately than standard risk factors."

High density lipoprotein as a protective factor against coronary heart disease: The Framingham study

  • "2,815 men and women aged 49 to 82."
  • "Total cholesterol was not associated with the risk of coronary heart disease."
  • "[For] HDL cholesterol levels below 35 mg/dl, the incidence rate is more than 8 TIMES that in persons with HDL levels 65 mg/dl or above."
  • "Among the various lipid risk factors considered (total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides) – HDL cholesterol appears to have the strongest relationship to coronary heart disease."

Fasting triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein, and risk of myocardial infarction

  • "340 ... men or women of <76 years of age with no prior history of coronary disease."
  • "Significant association of elevated fasting triglycerides with risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) (6.8 times the risk between 1st and 4th quartiles)."
  • "The ratio of triglycerides to HDL was a strong predictor of myocardial infarction (16 times the risk between 1st and 4th quartiles)."

Mortality from Coronary Heart Disease in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes and in Nondiabetic Subjects with and without Prior Myocardial Infarction

  • "Diabetic patients without previous myocardial infarction (heart attack) have [a higher risk] of [myocardial infarction as nondiabetic patients with previous myocardial infarction."
  • "The 7-year incidence rates of myocardial infarction in nondiabetic subjects with and without prior myocardial infarction at base line were 18.8 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively."
  • "The 7-year incidence rates of myocardial infarction in diabetic subjects with and without prior myocardial infarction at base line were 45.0 percent and 20.2 percent, respectively."

The Metabolic Syndrome and Total and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Middle-aged Men

  • "1209 Finnish men aged 42 to 60 years."
  • "Men with the metabolic syndrome ... were 2.9 to 4.2 times more likely ... to die of CHD (coronary heart disease)."
  • "Men with ... metabolic factors in the highest quarter were 3.6, 3.2, and 2.3 times more likely to die of CHD, CVD, and any cause, respectively."

The TG/HDL Cholesterol Ratio Predicts All Cause Mortality in Women With Suspected Myocardial Ischemia

  • "544 women without prior myocardial infarction (heart attack)."
  • "TG/HDL-C was a strong independent predictor of mortality (HR 1.95)."
  • "For cardiovascular events (heart attack), the ... HR was 1.54."

Association Between Circulating Oxidized LDL and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies

  • "12 included studies."
  • "The summary effect size of increased circulating [oxidized] LDL was 1.79 for ASCVD."

Low-Density Lipoprotein Subfractions and the Long-Term Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Men

  • "2072 men ... free of [heart disease] at the baseline examination and followed-up for a period of 13 years."
  • "Large LDL subfraction were NOT associated with an increased risk of [heart disease]."
  • "[Heart disease was strongly associated with an] accumulation of small dense LDL particles."

Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2014 Update

  • "4 prior randomized clinical trials and multiple large prospective cohort studies that indicated little effect of total fat consumption on CVD risk."
  • "Each 5% higher energy consumption of carbohydrate in place of saturated fat was associated with a 7% higher risk of CHD."
  • "Greater consumption of refined complex carbohydrates, starches, and sugars ... was associated with significantly higher risk of CHD and [type 2 diabetes]."

Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions

  • "The conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong."
  • "The inflammatory processes that contribute to cholesterol deposition within the artery wall and subsequent plaque formation (atherosclerosis), more closely resembles a 'pimple'."

Insulin : The Unifying Factor Of All Chronic Diseases

Category Results :


  • Insulin resistance & hyperinsulinemia are independent and/or significant predictors of many chronic diseases :
    • Heart Disease,
    • Type 2 Diabetes,
    • Cancer,
    • Alzheimer’s disease, and
    • Obesity.
  • Metabolic Syndrome is primarily defined as having important amounts of visceral fat and being insulin resistant.
  • 2 additional articles on insulin and chronic diseases – [ref] [ref]

The Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

  • "87 studies, which included 951,083 patients."
  • "Metabolic Syndrome was associated with an increased risk of :
    • Cardiovascular Disease (2.35 times more likely),
    • Cardiovascular Mortality (2.40 times more likely),
    • All-cause Mortality (1.58 times more likely),
    • Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) (1.99 times more likely), and
    • Stroke (1.58 times more likely)."

The Metabolic Syndrome

  • "Abdominal adiposity and insulin resistance appear to be at the core of MetS."
  • "The MetS includes the clustering of abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and elevated blood pressure."
  • "Most studies show that the MetS is associated with an approximate doubling of cardiovascular disease risk and a 5-fold increased risk for incident type 2 diabetes."

Insulin Resistance as a Predictor of Age-Related Diseases

  • "208 apparently healthy, nonobese individuals, were evaluated [over] 4–11 yr for the appearance of ... age-related diseases."
  • "28 / 40 clinical events were seen in ... the MOST insulin-resistant tertile, with the other 12 / 40 occurring in the group with an intermediate degree of insulin resistance."
  • "NO clinical events (0 / 40) were observed in the most insulin-sensitive tertile."

Study of the Use of Lipid Panels as a Marker of Insulin Resistance to Determine Cardiovascular Risk

  • "103,646 members aged 50 to 75 years."
  • "Being insulin resistant carried a significantly higher risk of ischemic heart disease than having an LDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c, total cholesterol/HDL-c, or non-HDL-c cholesterol higher than the median values."
  • "Insulin resistance ... was associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes more than other lipid metrics, including LDL [cholesterol], which had little concordance."

Association between hyperinsulinemia and increased risk of cancer death in nonobese and obese people: A population‐based observational study

  • "[Almost 20 000 participants, of which] 99.9% completed follow‐up."
  • "Cancer mortality was significantly higher [2.04 times higher] in those with hyperinsulinemia (high insulin) than in those without hyperinsulinemia."

Association Between Homa-IR and Cancer in a Medical Centre in Selangor, Malaysia

  • "Insulin Resistance was ... independently associated with cancer (OR : 12.25)."
  • "There was also significant association between obesity and cancer (OR : 3.33)."

Hyperinsulinemia predicts coronary heart disease risk in healthy middle-aged men: the 22-year follow-up results of the Helsinki Policemen Study

  • "970 men who were 34 to 64 years of age and free of CHD, other cardiovascular disease, and diabetes [were followed over] 22-years."
  • "Hyperinsulinemia (high insulin) predicted CHD risk ... independently of other CHD risk factors ... including blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, indexes of obesity and its distribution, smoking, and physical activity."

HHyperinsulinemia is a predictor of new cardiovascular events in Colombian patients with a first myocardial infarction

  • "295 surviving subjects to a first Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) [a.k.a. Heart Attack] were included."
  • "The log value of the insulin concentrations remain as the only risk factor significantly associated with the presence of a new [heart attack] event (OR = 6.7)."
  • Total cholesterol only had an OR = 1.01.

Intensive Conventional Insulin Therapy for Type II Diabetes: Metabolic effects during a 6-mo outpatient trial

  • "During treatment, mean serum insulin levels increased from 308 to 510 pM, while body weight increased from 93.5 to 102.2 kg."
  • "Large doses of exogenous insulin ... results in greater hyperinsulinemia with progressive weight gain."

Basal-State Hyperinsulinemia in Healthy Normoglycemic Adults Is Predictive of Type 2 Diabetes Over a 24-Year Follow-Up

  • "The most significant predictor of progression to dysglycemia (elevated blood sugar) was hyperinsulinemia ... after adjusting for BMI, ethnic origin, sex, age, smoking, physical activity, blood pressure, and triglycerides."

Hyperinsulinemia and risk of Alzheimer disease

  • "683 subjects without prevalent dementia were followed."
  • "Hyperinsulinemia is associated with a higher risk of [Alzheimer disease] and decline in memory."

Maybe You Should Ditch Your Fruits & Vegetables

Category Results :


  • Plant-based diets are nutritionally inadequate, and lack many essential nutrients.
  • Harmful anti-nutrients, pesticide residue and heavy metals can be found in many fruits and vegetables – even in those labelled "organic".
  • Avoiding animal foods will :
    • NOT make you live longer,
    • NOT reduce your risk of dying from heart disease or cancer,
    • Increase rates of depression, anxiety and mental heath issues,
    • Increase succeptibility to allergies.
  • Consuming more fruits and vegetables will NOT aid in weight loss.
  • Consuming more fiber does nothing for colorectal cancer and may even worsen constipation.

Nutrition and Health – The Association between Eating Behavior and Various Health Parameters: A Matched Sample Study

  • "86 cross-sectional and 10 cohort prospective studies were included."
  • "[A vegetarian or vegan diet was NOT associated with a reduction in] total cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, all-cause mortality and mortality from cancer."
  • "Our results showed that a vegetarian diet is associated with poorer health (higher incidences of cancer, allergies and mental health disorders), a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life."

Vegan Diet : Position of the German Nutrition Society (DGE)

  • "With a pure plant-based diet, it is difficult or impossible to attain an adequate supply of some nutrients."
  • "The DGE does NOT recommend a vegan diet for pregnant women, lactating women, infants, children or adolescents."

Vegetarian diet and all-cause mortality: Evidence from a large population-based Australian cohort - the 45 and Up Study

  • "Participants were categorized into complete vegetarians, semi-vegetarians (eat meat ≤ once/week), pesco-vegetarians and regular meat eaters."
  • "Among 243,096 participants (mean age: 62.3 years, 46.7% men) there were 16,836 deaths over a mean 6.1 years of follow-up."
  • "Following extensive adjustment for potential confounding factors, there was no significant difference in all-cause mortality for vegetarians versus non-vegetarians."

Meat and mental health: a systematic review of meat abstention and depression, anxiety, and related phenomena

  • "18 studies ... representing 160,257 participants (11 to 96 years) from multiple geographic regions."
  • "11 of the 18 studies demonstrated that meat-abstention was associated with poorer psychological health, 4 studies were equivocal, and 3 showed that meat-abstainers had better outcomes."
  • "Those who avoided meat consumption had significantly higher rates or risk of depression, anxiety, and/or self-harm behaviors."

Increased fruit and vegetable intake has no discernible effect on weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • "We searched multiple databases for human randomized controlled trials that evaluated the effect of increased fruit and vegetable intake on body weight."
  • "There is currently a lack of empirical evidence that supports claims of a causal effect of fruit and vegetable intake on body weight."

Fiber and colorectal diseases: Separating fact from fiction

  • "A strong case cannot be made for a protective effect of dietary fiber against colorectal polyp or cancer."
  • "[One study] studied 88 757 nurses over 16 years and found no effect of dietary fiber on colorectal cancer. Another study of 45 491 women in the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project over 8.5 years also found little evidence that dietary fiber intake lowers the risk of colorectal cancer."
  • "People who ingest fiber are ingesting them to make feces only."

EWG's 2021 Dirty Dozen List

  • "Nearly 70% of the non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides."
  • "Of the 46 items included in our analysis, these Dirty Dozen foods were contaminated with more pesticides than other crops (the top 12) :
    • Strawberries,
    • Spinach,
    • Kale, collard and mustard greens,
    • Nectarines,
    • Apples,
    • Grapes,
    • Cherries,
    • Peaches,
    • Pears,
    • Bell and hot peppers,
    • Celery, [and]
    • Tomatoes."

People are getting seriously sick from eating Kale

  • "Kale — along with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and collard greens — is a hyper-accumulator of heavy metals like thallium and cesium."
  • "Traces of nickel, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic are also common in greens, and this contamination affected both organic and standard produce samples."

Organic Food And Heavy Metals

  • "More than 75% [of organic, plant-based protein powders] had measurable levels of lead."
  • "Certified organic products averaged twice the heavy metals of their uncertified counterparts."

Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms

  • "[63 patients were] asked to go on a no fiber diet."
  • "For no fiber, reduced fiber and high fiber groups, respectively, symptoms of bloating were present in 0%, 31.3% and 100% and straining to pass stools occurred in 0%, 43.8% and 100% [of participants]."
  • "Constipation and its associated symptoms can be effectively reduced by stopping or even lowering the intake of dietary fiber."

The Dietary Intake of Wheat and other Cereal Grains and Their Role in Inflammation

  • "Cereal grains contain "anti-nutrients", such as wheat gluten and wheat lectin, that in humans can elicit dysfunction and disease."
  • "[They can] contribute to the manifestation of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases by increasing intestinal permeability and initiating a pro-inflammatory immune response."

Meat : Essential For Optimal Health

Category Results :


  • Consuming more – or exclusively – animal protein and fat does NOT cause nutritional deficiencies or contribute to heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes or all-cause mortality.
  • In children, adding meat to their diet leads to greater cognitive ability.
  • The people of Hong Kong have one of the longest life expectancy in the world, and consume an average of 338kg of animal food per person per year.
  • Animal protein is a much more complete and higher quality protein than plant protein is.

Prolonged Meat Diets With a Study of Kidney Function and Ketosis (1930) (.pdf)

  • "Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson in particular has demonstrated that it is feasible for travellers in the arctic region to [live] on meat alone."
  • "He spent over 11 years in arctic exploration, during 9 years of which he lived almost exclusively on meat."
  • "Stefansson and Andersen, the latter a member of one of the expeditions, voluntarily agreed to eat nothing but meat for 1 year while they continued their usual activities in the temperate climate of New York."
  • "At the end of the year, the subjects were mentally alert, physically active, and showed no specific physical changes in any system of the body."
  • "Vitamin deficiencies did not appear [and] tests revealed no evidence of kidney damage."
  • "[There is] no evidence that any ill effects had occurred from the prolonged use of the exclusive meat diet."

Effect of Lower Versus Higher Red Meat Intake on Cardiometabolic and Cancer Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials

  • "Diets lower in red meat may have little or no effect on :
    • All-cause mortality,
    • Cardiovascular mortality,
    • Cardiovascular disease,
    • Total cancer mortality and
    • The incidence of cancer, including colorectal cancer and breast cancer."

The impact of dietary intervention on the cognitive development of Kenyan school children

  • "12 schools with a total of 555 Standard 1 children (equivalent to U.S. Grade 1) were randomized to one of four feeding interventions: Meat, Milk, Energy or Control (no feeding) ... over 21 months."
  • "Children receiving supplemental food with meat significantly outperformed all other children."

Patterns of Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk for Cardiometabolic and Cancer Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Cohort Studies

  • "Systematic review and meta-analysis of 70 unique cohorts with 6 035 051 participants."
  • "Dietary patterns lower in red and processed meat intake result in very small or possibly small decreases in :
    • All-cause mortality,
    • Cancer mortality and incidence,
    • Cardiovascular mortality,
    • Nonfatal coronary heart disease,
    • Fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction, and
    • Type 2 diabetes."

Milk and dairy consumption and risk of cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

  • "29 cohort studies were available for meta-analysis, with 938,465 participants."
  • "No associations were found for total (high-fat/low-fat) dairy, and milk with the health outcomes of mortality, CHD or CVD."

Live long and prosper: Hong Kong still leads the world in life expectancy

  • "[Hong Kong] claim the top spot for the world’s longest average life expectancy for the third year in a row. (2018)"
  • "[And yet,] the total consumption quantity of animal-protein-containing food by [Hong Kong] people is up to 338kg per person per year."

Epidemiology of ischaemic heart disease in India with special reference to causation

  • "1.15 million railway workers between the ages of 18-55 years [were studied over 5 years] in different parts of India."
  • "While in the north the consumption of fats, most of which are [saturated] animal fats, is 19 times more than in the south, [heart] disease is 7 times less in the north than in the south."
  • "Neither smoking, nor socio-economic factors, nor physical activity of work, nor even stress and strain have provided any tenable associations with the immunity from or a liability to develop ischemic heart disease."

A plant-based, low-fat diet decreases ad libitum energy intake compared to an animal-based, ketogenic diet: An inpatient randomized controlled trial

  • "20 [overweight] adults ... were admitted as inpatients to the NIH Clinical Center and randomized to consume ad libitum either a plant-based, low-fat (PBLF) diet (75.2% carbohydrate, 10.3% fat) or an animal-based, ketogenic, low-carbohydrate (ABLC) diet (75.8% fat,10.0% carbohydrate) for two weeks followed immediately by the alternate diet for two weeks."
  • "Body weight decreased during both diets [but] the PBLF diet resulted in substantially greater glucose and insulin levels."

Unprocessed Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption: Dietary Guideline Recommendations From the Nutritional Recommendations (NutriRECS) Consortium

  • "[Analysis of] randomized trial, as well as cohort studies including 1000 or more adults [over] a duration of 6 months or more."
  • "Strict criteria limited the conflicts of interest."
  • "Diets lower in unprocessed red meat may have little or no effect on the risk for major cardiometabolic outcomes and cancer mortality and incidence."

Meta-analysis of prospective studies of red meat consumption and colorectal cancer

  • "34 prospective studies of red meat and CRC were [included]."
  • "The available epidemiologic data are not sufficient to support an independent and unequivocal positive association between red meat intake and CRC."

DIAAS Ratings For Protein Foods

  • "This article takes a balanced look at what the data shows about the respective protein quality of animal and plant foods."
  • "DIAAS (digestible indispensable amino acid score) … takes anti-nutrients into account … that can limit the absorption of amino acids."
  • DIAAS >100 : high-quality protein;
    DIAAS >75 and <100 : good quality protein;
    DIAAS <75 : low-quality protein.
    • Milk : 114
    • Eggs : 113
    • Beef : 111
    • Chicken : 108
    • Pinto Beans : 70
    • Tofu : 52
    • Red Lentils : 50
    • Almonds : 40
  • "Animal proteins mostly have a higher total amount of protein, better amino acid profiles [and] are more bioavailable than plant sources."

The Sheffield Experiment on the Vitamin C Requirement of Human Adults

  • "The 'minimum protective dose' of vitamin C, as measured by the criteria of the presence of scurvy, was in the region of, perhaps somewhat below, 10 mg daily."

So What Did Our Ancestors Eat?

Category Results :


  • For millions of years, our ancestors were reliant on animal protein and fat for their survival – large mega-fauna were their preferred source of nutrition.
  • Over the past 4.5 million years, our brain tripled in size, due to the consumption of nutrient dense animal foods.
  • To this day, some indigenous population around the world continue to consume an almost exclusively carnivorous diet, yet have little to no heart disease or cancer and have an average longevity.
  • Whereas there are essential amino acids (proteins) and essential fatty acids (fats), there are ZERO dietary requirements for carbohydrate in the human diet.
  • The introduction of agriculture and addition of wheat, fruits and honey to our diet – no less than 10 000 years ago – contributed heavily to tooth decay and poor dental hygiene.

Meat in the human diet: An anthropological perspective

  • "Human ancestral diets changed substantially approximately 4 to 5 million years ago with major climatic changes creating open grassland environments."
  • "We developed a larger brain balanced by a smaller, simpler gastrointestinal tract requiring higher‐quality foods based around meat protein and fat."
  • "[There was] a growing reliance on meat consumption during human evolution."
  • "Wild plant foods in general give an inadequate energy return for survival, whereas the top‐ranking food items for energy return are large hunted animals."

Isotopic evidence for the diets of European Neanderthals and early modern humans

  • "Neanderthals were top-level carnivores and obtained all, or most, of their dietary protein from large herbivores."
  • "Early modern humans [also consumed] aquatic (marine and freshwater) resources."

Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (2005)

  • "The lower limit of dietary carbohydrates compatible with life apparently is 0, provided that adequate amounts of proteins and fat are consumed."
  • "There are traditional populations that ingested a high fat, high protein diet containing only a minimal amount of carbohydrate for extended periods of time (Masai), and in some cases for a lifetime after infancy (Alaska and Greenland Natives, Inuit, and Pampas indigenous people)."
  • "There was no apparent effect on health or longevity." (p.275)

Early Meat-Eating Human Ancestors Thrived While Vegetarian Hominin Died Out

  • "Paranthropus, [a common ancestor to the Homo lineage,] was largely a plant eater."
  • "Early Homo, on the other hand, went in for a meat-heavy diet."
  • "[The plant-based] Paranthropus ... died out about 1 million years ago."

The paradoxical nature of hunter-gatherer diets: meat-based, yet non-atherogenic

  • "20th century hunter-gathers [are] generally free of the signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease."
  • "Animal food actually provided the dominant (65%) energy source."

Cardiovascular disease in the masai

  • "[A study of] 400 Masai men and additional women and children."
  • "Despite a long continued diet of exclusively meat and milk the men have low levels of serum cholesterol and no evidence [of] heart disease."

Man the Fat Hunter: The Demise of Homo erectus and the Emergence of a New Hominin Lineage in the Middle Pleistocene (ca. 400 kyr) Levant

  • "Homo erectus ... was dependent on both elephants and fat for his survival."
  • "The disappearance of the elephants, which created a need to hunt an increased number of smaller and faster animals while maintaining an adequate fat content in the diet, was the evolutionary drive behind the emergence of the lighter, more agile, and cognitively capable hominins."

Tooth decay was the major problem for our ancestors 9,000 years ago

  • "Foods high in carbohydrates and sugars help the bacteria turn the plaque and carbohydrates into energy, producing acid in the process."
  • "Diets heavy in [grains,] fruit and honey contributed to poor dental hygiene during the European Mesolithic between 15,000 and 5,000 years ago."

Timeline of human prehistory

  • "8000 BC to 7000 BC ... in northern Mesopotamia, now northern Iraq, cultivation of barley and wheat begins. At first they are used for beer, gruel, and soup, eventually for bread."
  • Agriculture appeared less than 10 000 years ago.

Human Health and the Neolithic Revolution: an Overview of Impacts of the Agricultural Transition on Oral Health, Epidemiology, and the Human Body (.pdf)

  • "The advent of agriculture is associated with the reduction of tooth size, crowding, increases in caries, and increased occurrence of periodontal disease." (p.96)

Salt : The More the Better

Category Results :


  • Salt intake does NOT independently cause hypertension (high blood pressure) or have any effect on heart disease.
  • Despite consuming almost triple the recommended daily intake for sodium, Koreans have the LOWEST rates of heart disease worldwide.
  • Consuming a LOW salt diet is shown to increase :
    • Cardiovascular disease,
    • LDL cholesterol,
    • Insulin resistance and
    • Inflammatory markers.
  • Historically, we consumed almost double the sodium we do today (as a means of food preservation), yet heart disease remained relatively rare.

Salt and our Health

  • "Western societies consumed between 3 and 3.3 teaspoons (15-17 grams) of salt per day from the early 1800s until the end of World War II."
  • "After World War II, when refrigeration began to displace salt as the main means of food preservation, salt consumption in the US (and somewhat later in other countries) dropped dramatically to about half that rate, or 9 grams (1.8 teaspoons) per day."

Reduced dietary salt for the prevention of cardiovascular disease

  • A Cochrane, systematic review of randomized controlled trials on sodium restriction & heart disease.
  • "8 studies met the inclusion criteria."
  • "Follow‐up ranged from 6 to 36 months and the longest observational follow‐up was 12.7 years."
  • "There is insufficient power to confirm clinically important effects of dietary advice and salt substitution on cardiovascular mortality."
  • "Our findings do NOT support ... restricting salt intake."

Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events

  • "101,945 persons in 17 countries [with a] mean follow-up of 3.7 years."
  • "Sodium intake between 3 g per day and 6 g per day was associated with a lower risk of death and cardiovascular events than was either a higher or lower estimated level of intake."
  • Canada’s Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming <2.3g of sodium per day.

Sodium intake and prevalence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke in Korean adults

  • "27,346 [participants], including 10,936 men and 16,410 women."
  • South Koreans have the lowest rates of CVD globally.
  • Yet, the average consumption of sodium in Korean males is 5300mg/day, almost 3x the recommended intake.
  • Those who consumed the MOST sodium had the LOWEST blood pressure, rates of heart disease and diabetes. (table 1)

Fatal and Nonfatal Outcomes, Incidence of Hypertension, and Blood Pressure Changes in Relation to Urinary Sodium Excretion

  • "3681 participants followed up for a median 7.9 years."
  • "Hypertension did not increase across increasing tertiles [of sodium excretion]."
  • "CVD deaths decreased across increasing tertiles of 24-hour sodium excretion."
  • "Lower sodium excretion was associated with higher CVD mortality."

A Radical Sodium Reduction Policy Is Not Supported by Randomized Controlled Trials or Observational Studies

  • [The author of this paper] searched the scientific literature to find any quality research that justifies the current 2300mg/day sodium limit. He concluded that :
    • "There are NO randomized controlled trials (RCTs) allocating individuals to below 2,300 mg and measuring health outcomes;
    • "RCTs allocating risk groups such as obese prehypertensive individuals and hypertensive individuals down to (but not below) 2,300 mg show NO effect of sodium reduction on all-cause mortality;
    • "RCTs allocating individuals to below 2,300 mg show a minimal effect on blood pressure in the healthy population (less than 1mm Hg) and significant increases in renin, aldosterone, noradrenalin, cholesterol, and triglyceride;
    • "Observational studies show that sodium intakes below 2,645 mg and above 4,945 mg are associated with increased mortality."

Short-term dietary sodium restriction increases serum lipids and insulin in salt-sensitive and salt-resistant normotensive adults

  • "147 non-obese normotensive subjects [were] randomly assigned to a low salt diet of 20 mmol or a high salt diet of 300 mmol sodium per day, for 7 days each."
  • "With dietary salt restriction, serum total and LDL-cholesterol as well as serum insulin and uric acid concentrations increased significantly."

Low-salt diet increases insulin resistance in healthy subjects

  • "[152] Healthy individuals were studied after 7 days of [a low-salt] diet and 7 days of [a high-salt] diet in a random order."
  • "Low-salt diet is associated with an increase in [insulin resistance]."

Dietary salt restriction increases plasma lipoprotein and inflammatory marker concentrations in hypertensive patients

  • "[41] non-obese, non-treated hypertensive adults were fed [a] strictly controlled [low-salt] diet [for 3 weeks]."
  • "[A low sodium diet] induced alterations in the plasma lipoproteins and in inflammatory markers that are common features of the metabolic syndrome."



My Top 5 Recommendations

📚 The Big Fat Surprise, Nina Teicholz

📚 The Obesity Code, Jason Fung

📚 Sacred Cow, Diana Rogers & Robb Wolf

📚 Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes

📚 The Carnivore Diet, Shawn Baker

📚 Wired to Eat, Robb Wolf

📚 Why We Get Sick*, Ben Bikman

📚 The Carnivore Code*, Paul Saladino

📚 The Case Against Sugar, Gary Taubes

📚 The Diabetes Code, Jason Fung

📚 Eat Rich, Live Long, Ivor Cummins & Jeffry Gerber

📚 The Lore of Nutrition, Tim Noakes

📚 Lies my Doctor Told Me, Ken Berry

📚 Wheat Belly, William Davis

📚 Grain Brain, David Perlmutter

📚 Fat Chance*, Robert Lustig

📚 Fat Politics*, J. Eric Oliver

📚 The Great Cholesterol Myth*, Jonny Bowden

📚 The Great Cholesterol Con*, Anthony Colpo

📚 Pure, White and Deadly*, John Yudkin

📚 The Real Meal Revolution*, Tim Noakes

📚 The Salt Fix*, James DiNicolantonio

📚 The Calorie Myth*, Jonathan Bailor

📚 The Vegetarian Myth*, Lierre Keith

📚 The Plant Paradox*, Steven Gundry

📚 Fiber Menace*, Konstantin Monastyrsky

📚 Atkins Diet Revolution*, Robert Atkins

📚 The Health Evolution*, Stephen Hussey

📚 The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living*, Jeff Volek & Stephen Phinney

📚 Diabetes Epidemic & You*, Joseph R. Kraft

📚 Keto Clarity*, Jimmy Moore

📚 The Ketogenic Bible*, Jason Wilson

📚 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration*, Weston A Price (1939)

📚 The Fat of the Land*, Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1956)

📚 Strong Medicine* (.pdf), Blake F. Donaldson (1962)

📚 Move your DNA*, Katy Bowman

📚 You Are What Your Grandparents Ate*, Judith Finlayson

📚 Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime*, Peter Gotzsche

📚 Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat*, Marion Nestle

📚 Eat Fat and Grow Slim*, Richard McKarness

📚 Sugar : The World Corrupted : From Slavery to Obesity*, James Walvin

📚 Ten Drugs*, Thomas Hager

* = books I have not yet read


My Top 5 Recommendations



































YouTube Channels I Recommend

▶️ What I've Learned

▶️ Low Carb Down Under

▶️ Diet Doctor


Vancouver Low Carb, Keto & Carnivore Diets Meetup Group

Food For Thought

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."
– Carl Sagan

"Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick."
– Hippocrates

"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing."
– Voltaire

"If anyone can refute me—show me I’m making a mistake or looking at things from the wrong perspective—I’ll gladly change. It’s the truth I’m after, and the truth never harmed anyone."
– Marcus Aurelius

My Info

Anthony Grisé profile photo picture

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IG | @antho_add

Health is a passion of mine. I’ve been doing independent research on various diets, lifestyle interventions and fitness regimens for almost 4 years now. My accumulated knowledge in the field of health has given me a thorough understanding of what makes us sick and how to achieve optimal health through diet and lifestyle.

If you have any questions for me regarding health or nutrition, or would like some initial guidance, I would be more than happy to help – or at least point you towards a resource on the topic! 🙂 (I promise I won’t be too hard on you, even if you are a vegan.)

Created with passion, by Anthony Grisé
© 2022's mission is to provide the public with science backed, human appropriate and common sense health information.